Black eyes

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*if you know where the references are from I want you to be my friend please. Anyways enjoy.*

Danny POV

" Black eyes?" Edward nods his head. I look over at him and see the bite mark I left on him and wince. Why did she come in? If Bella hadn't  made so much noise, I wouldn't have bit him.

Jasper is outside scolding her right now for it but I don't feel bad. For her anyway.

" Danny we need you to tell us about you. We need to know what you are and who you are." I gulp and shake my head yes. I haven't been here that long but they need to know I won't be a threat.

" Um I was human two months ago. I was living life perfectly fine. I had never dated so I decided to try it. There was this man at a coffee shop I always go to.... I don't remember his name."

I can tell they're confused because normally the beginning of a story like that wouldn't have anything to do with what I am now. Funny how things work.

" He was reading a book by my favorite author so.... I decided to get to know him. We then decided to go to a book store together to get her newest work. It was fine the whole time until his eyes turned black and red and he was talking about eating me."

Carlisles eyes hit a look of realization. He sighs but let's me continue the story.

" I was dodging his attacks the best I could but he was too strong."

I look down remembering how terrified I was. I look back up. Let's finish this quickly.

" Then all of a sudden these large pieces of metal  fell down on us. They crushed the both of us and I just remember hearing the words ' organ transplant' over and over again. They told me that the man that was with me had died and that they gave me his organs."

I looked at everyone's faces. It looks like they're watching a scary movie and are so intrigued by what's going to happen next.

" Things starting tasting.... not normal. Sandwiches started tasting like sponges to me and rotten fish. I threw up every time I tried to eat regular food. I started doing research on people with black eyes. Ghouls."

Carlisle nods his head when everyone looks back at him.

" Ghouls are every bit of human except for one thing. They can survive off human food I guess but it does make them ill. The only thing we can eat is blood. When I had said to you two earlier that I had drank blood before I wasn't talking about animals. I had been eating humans."

I wince at the memories of me scrambling the streets trying to survive with anything. I tried as much as I could to stay away from humans. I stuffed my face with human food everyday thinking one day I'd turn back. It never happened.

" The day Sam found me, I..... killed my father. He was bleeding in front of me and I was just.... so hungry. I didn't know what to do. I tried so hard to stay away but I couldn't help it. I was stabbed by my brother. He was going to kill me but my sister protected me. That's why I have a scar. I was bleeding out in the street and that's when Sam found me and took me in. I explained the same thing to him. I-I was having a bad dream. I didn't mean to bite Edward."

Everyone sits in silence for what feels like forever. I'm going to have to move back in with sam. They'll never let me live here now.

" Taliyah I have a few questions. How did Edward taste?" I quickly blushed and hid my face with my sweater. Carlisle and the group chuckled and he shook his head.

" Um- he tasted.... quite good actually. It was almost as close to a human as it could possible get. My thirst is also gone." I gasp after realizing what I just said.

Vampires..... taste like humans. How is that even possible.

" We need to give the Voltori a call. They actually love ghouls so this should be fine. Can you show us your kagune?" I flinch at the name. I haven't used my kagune yet. I can, I know I can because I lost control before but I'm kinda scared.

" I'll try it but if I lose control just uh hit me I guess."

*time skip*

I didn't want to ruin any of my new clothes so I just decided to wear a sport bra so I don't rip any of my clothing. I look over at Edward who is currently starring at me with his mouth open a little bit. He sees me looking at him and turns away in a blush.

" Ok. Just for safety we're gonna have Emmet and Edward stand next to you so don't be afraid to lose control. Just let it out." Carlisle smiles. I get he is intrigued and might be doing this for research but by how calm he is and the fact that we're even doing this tells me he doesn't know what it means for a ghoul to lose control.

I breath out and feel movement inside of me. I let my eyes change to it's black state and my kagune comes busting out of my back and towering over me. I hear everyone gasp including Emmet and Edward who are beside me.
*pretend in the gif he has black hair I couldn't find any good black haired ones and I'm mad now. *

" That's so badass

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" That's so badass." Emmet says next to me. I crack a smile but quickly it falls. Bella walks over to me with her finger reaching for my kagune.

" No Bella don't it's very-" she cuts her finger on my kagune.

She looks down at her finger then back up at me.

Blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. My eyes turn black again and my breathing starts to get harder by the second. Don't lose control.

" Bella go inside now. Danny calm down." I fall down with my hands in my head. I start screaming. The urge is so painful. I can't hold it anymore. I need it. I stand up ready to jump toward Bella who is standing right in front of the glass smirking at me. She didn't even go inside.

I stand up and crack my finger.

" I'm just so hungry.... ya know?" My smile is stretch to the point I look a little crazy.

Emmet comes and I whip him away somewhere with my kagune. Jasper comes and grabs my arms and I use my legs instead to kick him.  I jump towards Bella who is smirking at me like she's not about to die.
I go to bite down when someone appears in front of me with their arm out. Edward.

I bite down hard and see him throw his head back as he moans. He tried to stifle it but it doesn't work very well. He bit his finger as he watches my kagune dissipate and my teeth let go.

" I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to lose control. I told her it was sharp I'm so sorry." He pats my head and smiles.

" Don't worry about it. It's not like it hurts. It feels quite good. It's almost addicting." Carlisle walks over and looks at Edwards arm. I-it's... already healed.

" I think we found a way to cure her thirst. It doesn't seems to harm you and it makes her thirst go away. Everyday, Once a day...... you need to bite Edward."


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