Gf/Bf-David Donnelly

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You're 16.
Your name is Niamh Maguire.
James is your older twin brother.
Prompt: David invites you to one of his gigs and James catches the two of you talking.
A/N: I'm going to start using names instead of Y/N from now on.
Thank you @blueberrymuffin20 and @Jaydenmaximoff for your ideas.
Niamh was waiting with her brother for his friends because her friends were going on the school bus today so she was walking with her brother.

"For Christ sake James. How much longer are they gonna be." Niamh asks now becoming very impatient and annoyed.

"How am I supposed to know." James replies annoyed at Niamh for asking the question.

"Well, I'm going to make my own way to school, you're welcome to come with." Niamh tell her brother now getting fed up of waiting.

"No. I'll wait." He says.

As Niamh is walking she notices David pinning a piece of paper up outside Dennis' shop.

"Hey David. What are you doing?" Niamh ask curiously.

"Oh, erm. I've got a gig tonight." He answers.

"Ah, that's cool." Niamh say genuinely. "I've always wanted to be a musician but I wouldn't know where to start."

"Well maybe you'd like to go then?" He asks nervously.

"Of course. I'll be there." Niamh says. "I've got to go otherwise I'll be late to school."

"Yeah of course."
When Niamh eventually arrives at school she sees James and his friends.

"Hey James!" Niamh shouts.
James walks up to Niamh.

"Hey Niamh." He replies. "What did David want?"

"Oh, he invited me to his gig." I inform him. "And before you ask, yes I am going."

"Right." He says.

"Anyway, how do you know we were talking?" Niamh asked confused.

"I saw you both." He answers a bit to quick.

"Really. I thought you were waiting for Michelle and all of your other friends. Me and David were nowhere near where you were waiting." Niamh teases knowing full well that he followed her.

"Well I was but when they came we decided to go the same way that you did." James answers flustered that he got caught following his sister.

"Oh really James." I ask.

"Yes." He defends himself.

"Ok whatever."
A/N: I hope this is alright. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in over a year, I just didn't have any inspiration and I thought it was time to update so I put two of the ideas from the ideas page together.

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