Chapter 6: MEET

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“Noh! So what’s happening with our drums?!” Wow, awesome. They totally love me. The first thing they ask about is money when they see my face.

“Not much happened. I’m still alive, but badly wounded. I’m still running away from the cops. I think I might hide out somewhere in Phuket.”


“Dumbass. That’s not even funny. I’m talking about the money for the drums, not murder. You better watch out. Everyone that goes to Phuket always get it.”

“No, that’s Samed, p’…” At this point, I’m not sure whose puns are more stupid.*

I walk around laughing as I pass p’Nont who had just smacked me in the head. I throw my (Phun’s) school bag on the sofa that is beside the piano. I search the group for the troublemaker that is trying to avoid my gaze. Oh, so he realized what he did.

“I’m…I’m gonna go use the bathroom.” He’s trying to flee! Does he think he can get away?!

“Hold it right there, Ngoi! You caused this fucking mess!” Naturally, this dude isn’t faster than me. He’s tiny. I grab a hold of his collar before he is able to get away. I drag him back to publicly condemn him in the middle of our club room.

“This asshole just sat there silently during the budget meeting. He let p’Aun from the Thai culture club take our budget. What should we do with him?” Aha, people are starting to get pissed off at Ngoi slowly and slowly.

“Take of his shorts and draw on his wiener with a magic marker.” Jeez, leave it to Per to come up with something so fucked up. That’s a bit too freakishly weird. Plus, it’s not like I wanna see his wiener.

“Make him do the chicken dance at the flagpole in the morning.” That one sounds a bit too entertaining.

“Make him finish everyone’s homework for a month!” What does that have to do with anything?!

“We could use him as our slave from now until the end of this semester. He has to do everything we tell him to do.” Hm…

“That’s a good one, Om. I’ve known you for 11 years and this is the first time you say something I agree with the most.” I turn to pat him on the back. He grins widely but only for a moment before it fades away.

“How have you been viewing me for the past 11 years then?”

“Like someone who I really needed to buy a muzzle for them to wear…” Everyone starts laughing except Om because I basically insulted him.

“Dumbass, you better watch it. I’m gonna hit on Yuri the next time she calls me.”

“No one is stopping you from doing that. I really hope you do succeed.”Amen! I’ll even pray for him. Don’t take this the wrong way, Yuri is cute and all. But the fact of the matter is, I don’t like her in that way.

“Yeah right, Khun Phaen!** Look at you acting all stuck up when you have a pretty girl trying to get with you. You’ll see how it feels when she dumps you.”

“Ha. I’m actually Romeo.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be on your way to see Nang Wan Thong?** Didn’t I hear that you made plans with her?” This motherfucker. Since when does Romeo meets up with Wan Thong? Oh, yeah. That reminds me. I did tell her that I’d be there late, but there’s nothing for me to help out at the club today. They’re all practicing their marching band for the soccer competition. But that is Film’s job, not mine.

“Yeah, I’m about to head out. Anyway, I spoke with the student council about that 20,000 we needed. They’re taking care of that, so we don’t have anything to worry about…I think.” As I’m turning around to leave, I can hear Om is barking again.

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