Taeyong finally bursted into tears as he threw himself into Jaehyun's arms. He could not bear keeping this any longer.

"I'm so sorry."

The words he could mutter repeatedly in the hug.

Jaehyun gently stroked his hair, calming him down. He would wait till the latter feel better to talk out.

The people around them were watching them in amuse but who cares about them? The only matters was Taeyong.

But to avoid any more attentions, he leaded both of them towards his own car. Giving some times from people.

After a few more minutes, Taeyong seemed to finally calm down.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing that he uttered and Jaehyun could definitely see how troubled he look.

Jaehyun let out a sigh. "Stop saying sorry," he stated. "You are not doing anything wrong."

"I don't want to force you so tell me whenever you are ready," he continued, making sure to reassure the latter.

He might put more pressure on him if he kept on bombarding him with questions. As long as Taeyong was not avoiding him then it was fine for him.

Taeyong nodded. "I didn't have any intention to hide this from you but—

He averted his gaze to look at the other. "—I'm scared if you might look at me weirdly after knowing about me," followed by a dry chuckle to hide his awkwardness.

Jaehyun could not even think that the latter might actually thought of that. Of course he would never do that.

"I wouldn't, you know that," he firmly said those. "You can tell me anything and I promise I won't judge you."

Taeyong let out a sigh, a tired one. He wanted to let all out and maybe Jaehyun was the right person? He might be, he hoped so.

After taking a deep breath, he finally started up. Telling all about himself including the incident where he accidentally met his father.

There was no use to hide anything. He knew that old men would eventually try to find him and Sehun.

"I–I really don't know," Jaehyun seemed taken aback after hearing the stories from Taeyong.

He never expected that the guy he respected as his father's friend was actually an asshole.

"I'm so sorry, I should not let you two meet if I know about it," he reached for the other's hand and grasped them gently.

Taeyong smiled, shaking his head. "It was definitely not your fault," he mouthed. "I don't expect to meet him again after years."

Jaehyun could catch the sadness inside those eyes. He gently rubbed the hands, sending him comfort.

"I promise I will help you," he declared those. "Trust me, I will make him stay away from you," he said those out.

Taeyong nodded with his smile. No words could be uttered anymore, he was too speechless.

"Now let's get to class, I'm pretty sure we have missed the first period," the other remarked as he heard the bell ringing.

Well, at least it was worth it.


"How will you go home? I can walk with you," Jaehyun questioned as they were out of the class. The day had already passed.

Mark made his way between them before Taeyong could say anything. "Aye you love birds, you can't even stand being away from each other for a second huh?."

His words made Taeyong snorted sheepishly. "What are you talking about, Mark?," he nudged the other to stop him.

"Jaehyun, it's fine," he replied. "I will go home with Mr Kim so you don't have to worry," he continued.

Jaehyun nodded. He felt less worrier then to know that. "Well I guess I'll meet you tomorrow," he walked towards Taeyong.

His hand moved to ruffle the other's hair. "Take care of yourself," he uttered before leaving with a big smile on his face.

Mark pouted in annoyance. "Don't mind me, I'm just the air," he started swaying around like he was being blown.

Making the latter nudged him. "You are exaggerating things," he stated and started walking.

As they were walking, a voice was calling Mark's name which made both of them turned to look at the source of the voice.

"Mark! Let's go home," Baekhyun was waving from the parking spots with his genuine smile.

"I gotta go now, call me if you need anything," Mark reminded for the last time. "Good bye," he waved towards the friend before turning to his mom.

Taeyong nodded with his own smile and continued his walk until he reached the bench located near the school gates.

He seated himself there and waited for Kai. The elder told him to wait for a while as he was settling a few things with some other teachers before he could call it a day.

After he told Kai about the incident, he was made sure to not walk home alone anymore. Although he insisted on doing so saying that he was a boy and capable of protecting himself but Kai still wouldn't let him.

Who knows what might happen right?

As he was doing his own things, a car suddenly stopped right in front of the school gates. Outside of the gates.

He looked up with a confusion on his face as it was unfamiliar for him to be seeing that car in the area. But as the door opened and revealed the person he really didn't want to see, he felt regret.

"Hey son, it's been a while."


Hiiiii lovessss! Ahaaa anyone miss me? Im soooo sorry for not updating though 😭♥️ For those who are still waiting, thank youuuu veryyy much! I love you guyssss ♥️❤️♥️♥️

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