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| AMELIE | 17 years old |

"Why do we even need y=mx +b? It's not even going to help us in real life" I frowned asking my sisters.

"In college it will but not really in real life" Roamlee wrote on her math paper.

"Totally true...we are tired of this formula" Verlene stated using Photomath to cheat on her homework sheet.

"Guys, what do you think about Dax's best friend?" Verlene asked us.

I waited for Roamlee to respond before I did.

"Well I think he's Hot, how about you Amelie?"

"I agree with that statement" I responded without looking at them.

"Oh God! Y'all would be so cute. I just realized you never had a boyfriend in your life. But me and Roamlee did" Verlene said out loud.

Well yes shove it in my face that I'm lonely.

"Yeah no guy is interested in me" I said, getting in my feelings.

"Aww sis they be will soon" Verlene fake pouted I rolled my eyes at her fake sympathies.

"Guys are honestly wack nowadays....well some-" Roamlee stated and I shaked my head not wanting to hear about relationships anymore.

It's too painful when you've never been in one. "I'm going to the bathroom" I lied not wanting to be around them anymore. I wanted to hang out with Dax.

I walked outside of our room and made my way into Dax's. I saw him putting on his sweater. "Where are you going?" I asked him.

"Football practice," he said, grabbing his book bag.

"Can I come?" I asked him. I was already ready.

"Yeah..if you want to watch all of us get pushed around by our coach then alright" He said, shaking his shoulders.

"It's not that bad Dax" I followed behind him.

"Where are you guys going?" Mom who finally came home from work asked us.

"I'm going with Dax to his football practice" I said feeling excited. I get to see Vinnie again.

"Mmm lemme find out you got a crush Amelie" My mom eyed me making me blush.

"She doesn't. You know we don't play that around hea" Dax's mocked mom's southern accent making her swing her hands playfully.

"Okay I'm sorry" He flinched, feeling scared. I laughed at him pulling him away from her.


I watched Vinnie kick the football multiple times with a stern face. He's face was so pink. I just knew he was pissed off because he wasn't scoring at all.

And ouu his coach kept screaming at him. He took off his helmet, dropping it on the ground running his hand through his curly blonde hair.

"I'm so sick of this sh*t! I can't get it right!" Vinnie said to Cole.

"Keep believing in yourself and you will" Cole touched his shoulders.

"Yea yea yea" Vinnie said, not agreeing at all. He had a frown on his face. Poor thing. He didn't even believe in himself. It made me want to hug him.

I was staring so hard I didn't even notice Vinnie standing in-front of me.

"You're here to watch me or your brothers?" He asked while holding his helmet.

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