Phil is on fire

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"Hey Dan..." Pj said, looking nervous as he walked into Dans room. If the Brit had been more observant he would have seen the red rings around his friends eyes and the dried tears on his cheeks, but he was tired and those details went unnoticed.

"Yea?" Dan asked, closing his book. Earlier Dan had gone to talk to the police, (sadly Chelsea wasn't there. Just some mean old lady who abused his feelings) and it had only been 30 minutes since he got home. Both Chris and Pj were acting weird... Really weird. Stuttering and trembling and jumping at every small sound.

Dan just figured they had both cried over Phil together and were now embarrassed or something and shrugged it off. He was slightly upset they hadn't told Dan about their pain, but instead had hidden it from him, but he shrugged it off.

"I erm... I need to show you something..." Dan nodded and stood up.

"What is it?"

"Just c'mon." The curly haired male seemed to be trembling.

"You okay?" Dan asked, feeling stupid. Of course he wasn't okay. One of his best friends was kidnapped. Carefully Dan wrapped Pj in a hug. "I'm sorry peej, I'm to busy thinking about myself and Phil to realize how upset you must be as well."

"No don't be sorry Dan." Tears started to gather in his friend deep green eyes, and Dan felt even worse, so he shut his mouth, slightly upset information was being with held from him, but it wasn't the first time. He gave Pj a squeeze before letting go.

"What did you want to show me?" He asked gently, allowing his friend to pull him into the living room, where Chris was holding a pillow to his chest, looking like he was trying not to be sick.

"Dan... Erm I have to show you something." Chris looked up from his spot on the sofa and made room for Dan, patting the spot next to him. He sat down, looking at Pj, as he sat on the other side of Chris and handed him a laptop.

"What's wr-" Dan started to say but was cut off when he saw what the laptop was open too. The first tap was of a new video on Phil's account. Dan started tremble and inched forward, looking at the screen in awe.

The name of the video was "Phil is on fire" and Dan almost cried out because of what the thumb nail was. It was phil, tied to a chair, his head lulled in front of him, obviously unconscious.

Tears started to bubble up from inside Dan, but none made an escape. He was in to much shock to be even thinking about the thousands of emotions running through his head, making him crazy, and with shaky hands he pressed play.

"Hey guys." Phil said, his voice tiny and small through the speaker. Dan looked at the screen in shock, still unable to convey his emotions and, reaching out to touch digital Phil's cheek. It wasn't soft and warm like it normally was, of course but it was still phil, alive, and shaken up but alive.

"A-as you can tell I-I'm not at home." Dan shook his head, laughing bitterly through the tears that were now on his cheeks. It was obvious phil was reading all of this from a pice of paper. Normal phil won't be so sarcastic about his horrible situation, and his head was down, eyes squinting due to his poor vision. "I-in fact I don't know where I am, and I-I don't know what's going on."

Dan took a deep breath, and paused the video, unable to keep going. Oh god. Poor phil. Poor terrified phil.

"W-what happens?" Dan asked quietly, not looking up from the bright screen. He wanted to know, so the shock wasn't so bad when it happened. Whatever it was.

"It's not good Dan...." Chris said, rubbing his friends back, trying to calm him down.

"Stop being strong for me." Dan suddenly spat at his friend, shrugging his hand off harshly, new found anger bubbling up.

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