Not so good day

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It is a bright and sunny day and all of Sonics friends are sitting on a grassy hill below a tree, having a picnic. They are all sitting down on a checkered picnic blanket and eating food. Sonic is eating a chillidog with chilli and mustard and onions on it. He slurps it up like no tomorrow and he licks his fingers and lips with joy. Amy is eating a nice and refreshing salad. Cream is eating a ham sandwich as she loves meat. Tails is eating mint chocolate candies. Knuckles is eating a fruit salad and slurping up the grapes since those are his favorite fruit. Shadow is eating an even spicier chilidog, except there are no onions on top. Rouge is eating farari roche chocolates and she feeds one to shadow. Blaze and silver are feeding eachother cold vanilla ice cream. The chaotix are all eating freshly cut steak.
"This food is delicious, Amy!" Sonic says happily with a mouth full of food.
Amy blushes a little.
"You did a really great job calculating everyone's food and making it!" Tails exclaims as he finishes up his peppermint patties.
Amy giggles.
"Aw shucks! You guys are too much!" Amy says as her face turns red.
Cream finishes up her ham sandwich and grabs tails by the arm.
"Cmon tails! Let's play tag!" Cream says excitedly as she runs down the hill.
Tails laughs and runs down chasing her.
"Hey wait up!" Knuckles shouts as he runs down with them.
Sonic Amy laugh as they think that knuckles is such a doofus but they love him anyway.
"So what do you think of your chili dog, sonic?" Amy asks with innocent eyes.
"It's pretty good.. but.. something's missing.." Sonic says as he scans it.
Amy's heart drops and looks at him with a serious face.
"Hmm.. maybe some of this will do the trick!" Amy says as she pulls out some spicy pepper and sprinkles it all over his chillidog.
Sonic takes a big bite, leaving chili sauce all over is lips. His eyes light up into stars and he gets up and runs up and down the hill excitedly super fast. He sits back down.
"This is amazing! Thank you!!" Sonic says as he eats the rest.
Amy giggles and wipes the chili sauce off of Sonics lip. Sonic chuckles and licks his fingers.

Sonics POV:

I just love chillidogs! They're the best food! Amy chillidogs are the best though. Well.. wiener shnitzel comes to a close tie.. but overall Amy is the best chilidog cooker. I smile and thank Amy for making such delicious food. I love my friends! I would be so devastated if I lost them.. especially tails! He's like a brother to me! I look over at Tails and Cream and Knuckles playing tag together. Knuckles acts like such a good brother to both of them. It's so heartwarming of what a good family we are! I look over at Amy and smile. But.. she didn't return it.
"What's wrong, Ames?" I ask as I lick my lips to make sure the chili sauce is all gone.
Amy sighs and looks up at me.
"Sometimes I just wonder.. if any of these moments can last forever! I mean.." she stops as she struggles to get her words out.
"We're always fighting Eggman and his robots, even when we're just minding our own business! It's just annoying.." Amy sighs as she crosses her arms.
I feel Amy's pain and want to put my hand on her shoulder to comfort her but I look at my hands and see they have sauce on them, so I lick my hands like a kitty.
"Omg Sonic! Stop licking your gloves hands!" Amy shrieks as she slaps my hand out of my mouth.
I chuckle and then put my slobbery hands on her shoulder, making her shudder with disgust.
"Yeah yeah.. sure whatever! But like.. who cares about eggbutt! He's kinda like family too.. in a weird.. twisted way" I say chuckling.
Amy looks at me with weird eyes and punches my shoulder. Ouch!
"Hey wtf Amy!" I say rubbing my shoulder.
She grunts and scoffs.
"Do you not realize how many horrible things Eggman has done??? He's awful!! He WILL NEVER BE APART OF OUR FANILYY!!" Amy screams as she starts tearing up.
I gasp at this and hug her tightly.
"Ames.. I was just tryna cheer you up.. don't gotta be so dramatic" I say as I stroke her quills.
She smiles.
"Yeah.. you're right.." she says as she wipes away a tear.
I laugh at how dramatic Amy is. I mean.. she is really scary at times but.. she's still friendly. I chuckle.
I then hear a deep laugh and chuckles coming from above, and the sound of an engine blaring. I look u to see what is it and I quickly stand up.
it is none other than Dr. Eggman in his eggmobile!
I growl through my teeth.
"Eggman! What are you doing here?" I shout cockily and make a charming pose.
Eggman laughs and strokes his mustache.
"Oh.. did I stop by at the wrong time? Maybe I should go back and come back another day.." Eggman says as he looks down in shame.
I chuckle and rub my nose.
"Yeah ya did! We didn't even bring any food for ya!" I shout as I grin.
"Don't worry! I brought my own little meal! For all of you!" He shouts as he presses a mysterious button.


Nothing happened.

"Ahem.. I said.. I brought my own little meal!" Eggman repeated as he presses the button once more.
A sweat drop forms on his head.
Egghead turns around to face his two robots behind him.
"What's going on with the button! It's not working!" Eggman whisper shouted and he smacks the red robot on the head.
"W-We're working on it, boss! We just have a couple of bugs going on right now!" The red robot says as he's typing on a computer.
Eggman bonks the red robot's head with his fist and roars in anger.
"I don't have tome for this! Robots! Attack!!!!" Eggman screams and summons his bee robots.
They all start swarming around us.
Amy gets out her hammer and smashes like 3 robots at the same time.
"Tails! Get cream and Cheese to safety! Knuckles! We need your help smashing!" Amy commands as she smashes more.
Knuckles smiles at this, because one of his favorite things to do is smash stuff. He runs over to some eggbots and smashes a bunch with his big fists.
Tails quickly takes Cream's hand but she won't move.
"Cmon Cream! You're mom is waiting for you!" Tali's says as he tries to move her.
Cream stomps on his foot softly and pries his hand of of hers.
"No! I'm not going! Me and cheese can take them!" Cream says angrily.
Cream and Cheese do a little fist bump. Tails rolls his eyes. Vector quickly runs over yo Tails and Cream.
"What's going on guys?" Vector asks as he gives Cream a noogie.
"You know what, Vector, you take care of Cream! I gotta go help Sonic!" Tails runs over to Me and smashes a couple of bots.
Vector pats Cream on the head and smiles warmly.
"Come on, Cream! You're mother will be very worried if you don't return to her quickly. I'll even walk you there!" Vector says cheerfully.
Cream hesitated but gives in since Vector is so nice. Vector quickly took Cream and Cheese to Vanilla's house.
I home attack like 10 more bots and they are all gone. I wipe a little sweat away from my head, but only because it's hot out. Defeating Eggbreath's robots was a piece of cake. Me and Tsils high-five each other and pose handsomely. Eggman howls and growls in fear and turns to his 2 robot sidekicks.
"Blast it all!! Have you figured out what's going on with the system?" Eggman asks angrily as he bonks them both on the head.
"Yeah boss.. it's working just fine now" Cubot says as he wipes a tear away.
Eggman smiles like a grinch and laughs psychotically. He gets out the big button again and presses it.
Just then.. as soon as the Eggfart presses the button.. a giant robot magically appeared! It is big and chunky and has a big eye. I look at it and gasp as it quickly sent an electrical shock to all my lovely friends. I gasp and scream and just stand there with my mouth wide open.
"MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! How do you like that, SONIC???" Eggman evily grins and dances.
I scoff and quickly run up to Eggface and try to home attack him. But before I could, the giant robot slapped me away with its giant robot arms.
I fall on the ground and grin. I hop up and hope attack the robot in the eye, making him explode. My friends are safe as they are no longer being shocked. I run over to Tails to make sure he's ok.
"Tails! You alright, buddy?" I say as I help him up off the ground.
Tails grunts and gets up slowly. He chuckles.
"Y-Yeah.. I'm fine! Don't worry!" The fox says as he dusts himself off.
I see Amy running over to me to give me a hug but I spit in her face so she stays away from me. I look up to Eggman and see that some of his skin got burned off from the firey explosion and his face is scorched. I run over to Eggman once again and jump onto his eggmobile. I stand on the edge and shake my finger.
"Alright Egglips.. what gives?" I say as I get up close to face.
Eggman breathes heavily and I can smell his moldy omelette breath. I gag and pull on his mustache to make fun of him. He gasps and roars in rage. But then he laughs.
He presses another button once again. It send an electrical orb around me and traps me in a magical orb. All my friends gasp and scream. I try to get out of the orb, but I just get shocked instead. I howl in pain and clutch my fists tightly.
"HAHAHAHAHA you fell into my trap blue hedgehog!!!" Eggman yells as he laughs maniacally.
He presses another button witch makes the orb attached to his mobile and he laughs once again. He floors the petals and me, him, and his two robots fly away super fast into the distance.. leaving my friends screaming in fear.

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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