"Sir please stay on the phone. We have a bus down the street." I knelt down befo' da tub and grabbed one Leah's hands.

"C'mon bae wake up."


It's been three hours since Leah was admitted. Cha and nem' flyin' outchea tonight ta' be wit' me. I called my mama up cryin'. Ion't eva cry. This shit scary as hell.

Ion't kno' if she lost tha' baybeh, if she's okay, nun of dat. These muhfuckas finna hea' from Yung in a minute if I ain't told what's happenin' wit' my lady.

All I remember is that Leah fell asleep and so did I. Then I wake up inna pool of blood not knowing how the fuck it got there. I done called Stony and tol' him ta' hold off on these album plans and party hostin'. Leah and my child need me.

"God I know I come to you playin' all the time but this time I'm fareal. I'm scared as hell honestly. Ion't kno' what I'a did wrong or how this all happened.

Everything was straight til na'. I've done everything docta' Lewis tol' me. I give Leah her vitamins everyday at a set time, I'a watch what she eats and how much.

Her being pregnant ta' me is new. I'm tryin' real hard ta' make sure my baybehs are takin' care of. I'a die fa' em anyday. I just ask dat chu watch ova em and protect em."

"Amen." I look up ta' see Muk and Netia.

"Missed you baby bro." I smiled and hugged her real tight. My bitch ass started ta' cry again. I hadn't seen em' since I don't kno' when?

"Don't cry baybeh boy." Muk cooed. I wiped my face and hugged her too.

"What yall doin' outchea?"

"Well leave outchea lampshade." Muk pinched my cheek and sat down. I frowned.

"Mama called me and tol' me what happened. You holdin' up a'ight?" I shook my head no.

"Not really no. I ain't heard from no docta's nun of dat shit."

"Ya moms and nem on they way hea' now. They just got settled in they hotel. Everything finna be a'ight."

I took a seat between em and we chopped it up fa' a few minutes. I tol' em how Leah and I met, what we been through since then up until now. I had em both in tears when I'a was finished.

"Pinhead you should have tol' me bout dis girl. I wish she ain't have ta' meet us this way." Netia sighed.

"I kno' big sis."

"Family of Leah Seoul?" A docta' came outchea ta' da waitin' room. I rushed over ta' him wit' Net and Muk behind me. Cha and my mama rushed in too.

"Is she gone be a'ight?"

"Miss Seoul will be fine. She lost a lot of blood in the vaginal area which explains the blood on her hands and thighs. This also means she could have miscarried. The good news is that the fetus was not harmed by the seizure she had.

We're waiting on results on a few tests that we ran on her just to find out the cause of her seizure. She's asked to see you sir and I assume your the boyfriend and father?" I nodded.

"Yes I am."

"I would say one visitor at a time but it seems you have family that would like to see her as well and that's fine. Just follow me on back."

The docta' started ta' walk ahead of me wit' Net, Muk and Cha behind em. My mama grabbed my hand and held it as we walked on back.

"You alright son?"

His Miracle (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now