"We can't do it without them!" Another ownerless voice exclaimed.

"Well, we have to try!" Lucas shouted, slamming his hand in a nearby table. "This is for Terra! Everything we have worked for and gained has led up to this point! Don't back out on me now when we are so close. I know the change is sudden and it makes everything so much harder but you have to have faith in me, faith in us, faith in Terra!"

The audience was stunned but slowly, everyone brought their hands together and started to clap, even me, and Elyse. The speech was short and sweet but it was rallying and it had certainly ignited the rebellion in us. I had complete confidence in Lucas as a leader; he was born to do this.

"So here's the plan..."

I listened in awe as Lucas masterfully demonstrated us infiltrating the Zyphia Chambers on a HoloPad with our actions already pre-programmed into a visual display. Amir and a team of engineers along with some muscle, would hack into the building one lock at a time before reaching the underground vault. Rachel would be there to meet them and the vault would be opened with her gained knowledge of the  codes. Then they would retrieve the NukeFusions and move each one to a facility.

Outside the elections would be taking place with Lucas undercover in the crowd, coordinating our actions. When he received word of the NukeFusions coming into our possession, he would take the stage and make an announcement to evacuate all the facilities so that we wouldn't cause any innocent casualties. Here Alpha and Beta would be assassinated. After we had blown up all the facilities, we would join the prisoners and rebel against Zyphia. At this point, the Resistance members from other cities should have arrived and could help too.  The plan was set and perfectly timed as most of the security would be at the Solar Elections which made it easier to gain control of the rest of the city once we had the bombs.

Everyone had their respective positions within their squads. Elyse and I were due to be stationed as backup next to the Zyphia chambers where we could oversee the Solar Elections while help Amir get inside the buildings to retrieve the bombs.

"You see?" Lucas finished up, "we don't need more time as the plan is set. I just have one question:"


Shouting and screaming and yelling and cheering emanated from every single person in the room. We were inspired and tomorrow, we would be victorious. The mood stayed high as everyone ran out of the amphitheatre making a nice change from the usual order and stiffness. Elyse and I were left smiling as Lucas made his way towards us after indicating for us to stay behind. An apologetic face poorly tried to make the huge grin he had on when calling out the meeting.

"Elyse, Verity, I would like to formally apologise about my lies concerning the supposed cave-in in the abandoned facility."

Wait, what?!

"It has also come to my attention that yesterday you both went exploring and discovered the facility while you also knew that it was no animal that attacked you and Rachel."

"You know about that?" I asked, completely gobsmacked.

"Yes, I have been doing my utmost best to find the spy that betrayed the three of you and hopefully tomorrow, they will be found. I know the government will be aware of the plan tomorrow but my hope is that it is too late to make any major changes for the Solar Elections. As for the facility here, I would like to explain myself, if you would let me?"

Astounded, we nodded.

"When you found out the truth, your reactions were very severe and I simply wanted to prevent that kind of trauma from everyone here. To me and everyone else, this compound is a safe haven for us all and the practicality of it simply includes that the government would never look to see us hiding in a place they built and we hate. It's just another tactic..."

"Hiding in plain sight," I finished.

"Exactly. Do you think you can forgive me?"

I still couldn't believe how honourable he had been and I felt guilty yet again that I had accused him of some terrible, terrible things.

"Lucas, we're sorry too-"

"Nonsense, you have nothing to apologise for. Though I do require something from you, Verity? After tomorrow, we need to discuss something crucial. I'm afraid I have been hiding something from you. But it can wait until after the rebellion now. I'll apologise again though."

He refused to hear any more of our apologies and interruptions, and left once he was certain that we have forgiven him.

"It's a long day tomorrow, you should get some rest," Elyse ordered once she saw me do a giant yawn.

"I'll think I'll just do that," I replied and we went our separate ways.

As I was drifting off to sleep but mind wandered but for the first time in a a positive way. I was happy and content and hopeful. Something I had never really been all at once before and I relished the feeling. What was it that Lucas had been hiding from me? Why? Oh, it didn't matter now because soon we would be free to do whatever we wanted and to live however we would like. And tomorrow?

Tomorrow, we would rebel.

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