"Yeah, its good that nothing bad happened.."

"But I'm still worried because it seems that they are avoiding each other...are they okay?  They are  fine earlier when we are talking on the hotel room..."

"I noticed it too jimin, but we shouldn't think negative.."

"Why did we made that plan...I'm feeling guilty right now, I think it's my fault"

"Ya! Its not your fault! I think it helps them to clear their situation..."

"Thank you taehyung-ah,"

       I'm a little shocked that they planned it. Instead of getting mad at them, a little smile form on my face. I don't know why. Taehyung is right, I think it helps because we did have a time to explained our feelings to each other and to make the situation clear. When everything is alright, I went to them.

"Okay, my car is here now..let's go" I said.

We went inside my car and went to Seoul. There's a moment of silence before I spoke.

"Are you guys okay with it?" I asked.

"Okay with what sir?" Jimin asked.

"Okay...even though we didn't meet Mr. Kim," I stated.

"Of course sir," taehyung smiled.

"You guys met Mr. Kim yesterday right?" I asked in a sudden.

"Yes sir," jimin answered.

"What time?" I smiled as I looked at them through the mirror in front of me and saw that they are nudging to each other.

"Uhmm...w-we can't remember the exact time sir," jimin chuckled.

"Really?" I smiled and hyunae looked at me.

"Y-yes sir," taehyung laughed.

"Okay...uhm by the way, we need to talk later.." I said.

"Am I included there sir?" Hyunae asked as she pointed to herself.

"No, only us.." I answered without looking at her.

      Hours had passed and now we are here in Seoul. We took hyunae to her home. I stopped the car when we are far on hyunae's apartment.

"Why sir?" Jimin asked.

"I already know guys," I smiled.

"What are you talking about jungkook?" Taehyung chuckled as he scratched his head.

"I know that you planned it," I said and they both looked at each other then gulped.

"Sorry jungkook..w-we didn't mea-"

"Its okay," I smiled.

"Your not mad at us?" Taehyung asked as he widened his eyes.

"Yes, I'm thankful to you guys.." I stated.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"Because I made it clear to them. And I feel better now, no need to hide these emotions..." I said and they both smiled.

"So, its success!?" Jimin asked cheerfully.

"For me yes," I smiled.

"But for hyunae...I don't know," My smile faded and turned into a frowned.

"Don't worry sir, everything will be alright..." taehyung comforted and smiled at me.

"Can I ask you a favor?" I looked at them and they both gave me a confused look.

"What is it?" Jimin asked.

"Don't tell it to hyunae," I said.

"Tell us jungkook...do you have a problem?" Jimin said worried.

"I'm going to New York," I said and they both looked shocked from what I said.

"What!?" They both said in sync.

"Why?! I mean...how about hyunae? Are you going to leave her here?" Jimin said as he attacked me some questions.

"I need a rest and I decided to stay away from them because I don't want to ruin their relationship as sisters," I said and they sighed.

"Are you sure with that?" Taehyung asked as he frowned.

"I don't know," I answered.

"Just think about it first jungkook...maybe she's just clearing everything," Jimin smiled.

"We can help you," Taehyung suggested and I looked at him with my eyes widened.

"Thank you!" I said as I gave them a high five.

"But what if... she realize everything and her feelings for you? Are you still going?" Jimin asked and I sighed.

"I will not go anymore," I said and a smile form on their faces.


     I can't still forget the scene on that night. I don't know what to do. I love him but how about my sister?...

  "What should I do?" I sighed as I looked myself on the mirror.

   "Should I avoid him? Or tell him?" I looked through the window, close my eyes and feel the breeze of the air.

|| Cold Hearted Man || J.JK✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ