Chapter 13: A New Leaf (ii)

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Without taking my eyes off the view of the ceiling I'm currently enjoying, I groan. My phone is at the far end of the room, on the TV console where it is being charged.

"It's too far away," I lament.

"Ignore you," Priscilla says. She's in a similar position – lying flat on her back in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

It's a weekday night and we are both still fully dressed from class. "I need to lie down for a moment," Priscilla had said, the moment we'd walk in through the apartment door. Then she had dropped her bag on the floor and flopped onto her bed.

Having no self-control of my own, I had plugged my dying phone in and followed suit.

"I should get up anyway," I say, then correct myself. "I wanted to get started on apartment-hunting."

Priscilla groans. "And I wanted to help you." She corrects herself, "I'm still going to help. Just give me a... moment..." I twist my neck around to look over and see that her eyes are closed.

Grinning to myself, I sit up. It takes another moment, but I finally get to my feet and stumble over to the TV console.

I glance down at my phone, already reaching to unplug it, when I notice the name on the screen and freeze. After a split second of breathlessness that lasts forever, time rushes back and my heart begins rattling in its cage.


Do I open it? Delete it? Ignore it?

What's the etiquette on exes these days? I haven't had to deal with one in far too long.

My thumb hovers over the screen, then swipes quickly, a movement born of its own mind. The message enlarged onto the screen.

Did you get back to Germany safely?

I stare at the words for a long beat – so long that my phone starts to feel like a leaden weight sitting in my palm. Lumi hasn't told him.

I cannot fathom why. Maybe she's trying to protect him. Or maybe this is what she meant when she said she doesn't want to be caught between me and Aksel.

Even though – why would she be? She isn't even my friend.

Or maybe she's biding her time, waiting for exactly what I accused her of.

But even as I think that, a part of my mind is already dismissing it. She had been sincere that day at the café. She had always been the warmest to me out of all Aksel's friends.

"Who is that?" Priscilla asks, her voice breaking through my runaway thoughts.

I don't turn back to look at her. "Just some spam text," I manage, impressed with the way my voice comes out all smooth and calm.

I click the phone screen off and slide it into my back pocket, then turn around to face her. "Can I borrow your computer? I don't have my laptop with me."

It's still back in Aksel's apartment, I have realised. What am I going to do about that?

"I don't have a computer, only a laptop," Priscilla says. "But sure. We can use it." But she doesn't move.

I laugh at her. "It's fine. I can do it on my own. Just tell me where it is."

"No," Priscilla groans, "I want to help!"

"Then get up!"

"All right, let's get started." Priscilla sits up, then lets out a creaky groan and flops back down onto her bed. "Hold on – I need a moment. Let's get started in ten minutes."

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