I play Fatal Capture the Flag

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"Oh don't be shy," said Annabeth kindly. "After dinner, we are playing Capture the Flag!"

Macon smiled.

"By the way, " added Annabeth. " It will be a trial for you that you are the leader. It must be fun. Which weapon do you want?" Annabeth led Macon to Cabin 6, where a large owl statue placed. "Athena's Cabin" Annabeth explained." It's our job to fit the right weapon into the right hand." Inside placed several numbers of weapons, hanging on the wall.

"Let's see... How 'bout a sword?" Annabeth unhooked one of the locks and down came a sword, falling to her hand as it's aimed.

Annabeth gave the sword to Macon. He fitted his hand on the handle nervously.
It's completely fit. "Try slashing there!" Annabeth called out, pointing a hay-made dummy. Unexpectedly, the sword seems ponderous to him. He hardly lifted up the sword. He dropped the celestial-bronze sword on the floor, leaving a permanent slash to the wooden ground.

"What about an AK-48 or M416?" Annabeth demanded. " Nah, too flashy." Macon shaked his head.

" Arg..!," exclaimed Annabeth." So, what do ya think?"

" Maybe some kind related to Neme...sit?" " Nemesis." Annabeth corrected. "But clever, though. Malcolm!!"

A teenager dashed through the curtains, asking," What da heck do ya want?" "Bring me a pair of daggers, Nemesis kind." Annabeth said.

Malcolm dashed back into the storage room and came out with two poison daggers, the blade was sharp and green poison was leaking from the handle, which appeared to be war- used, carving Greek letters: Για τη Nemesis.

"For Nemesis only" explained Annabeth, "Check it out!"

Carefully and cautiously, the novice demigod picked up the daggers and swung it. The sword seemed to be giving him power and strength and he sliced the dummy in half without any effort. " WoW! You're amaz-" Annabeth shouted.

" Heroes! Warriors! Supper Time!" Chiron boomed on the microphone, in the Big House.
" Here we go!" Annabeth skipped to the Big House, leaving Macon faraway behind.
" Today's dinner's provided by Demeter and drinks provided by Mr. D!" she remarked.

It was nectar and grape wine. Demigods ate and slurped, but not much for Argus. All tried to pray to Cronus( which is illegal to Chiron) for speeding up the time to Capture the Flag.

After dinner, they gathered at the campfire. " Annabeth, head counselor of Athena's Cabin, Red team leader; Macon, member of Nemesis's Cabin, Blue team leader. You need to capture the flag of the opponent's team to win by raising it up. The winning team will have BBQ pork. I don't want any killing or maiming! Ready in position... Event starts in three...two...one... start!!!" announced Chiron.

Two teams charged to the opponent's base, leaving their base alone with zero defence.

" Psst..." Macon heard a voice, " Balance yourself as dandelion." He recognized it was the clue from Nemesis. He caught a piece of dandelion and tear it. He was then the weight of dandelion and whoosh he flew to the opponent's flag. He was ready to raise the flag while all in a sudden, he was in front of a giant snarling dog. I am not talking about those human-sized doggy toy. I am talking about a fricking 30 feet tall dog with fangs like crunchers on a car demolisher. His collar name tag was as huge as a advertising signs in the Railway Station platforms, reading Quia secundum O'Leary. He had a sensation that it was like Mrs O'LEARY the second, but just when he tried to recall his Latin lesson which he had slept through the whole lecture, a huge spark of red flames shot him in his forehead, knocking him off. His visions were blurry.

There he murmured, " G...Gaia... U...Uranus...Argument...Fight..." Will Solace, head counsellor of Apollo's Cabin, shouted, " Medic!! Help!! Macon needs help!! Hurry!"

Calmly, Chiron said grandly, " The event will continue tomorrow due to an accident. Everyone please focus on this kid."

Everyone turned their head to Macon, who was lying on the floor. Demigods from Cabin 7 sprinted out, trying to heal with their magical healing powers.

At the time everyone was fussing on the demigod, Grover, who was frantically blowing his reed pipes of a song of healing, was standing in the middle of the road, blocking the entire rescuing process.

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