Ships《●17●》Person A& Person B

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But with the fact that he injured Tim, he did leave the villian with a death threat if he ever touched his boyfriend again.

Tim had finished taking out the goons by then and Damian had captured Penguin, who, as usual, was trying to get himself out of going to Arkham.

When the GCPD showed up, taking both Killer Croc and Penguin to Arkham and sending the goons to jail, Jason took the liberty of taking Tim to their shared apartment.

The first thing Jason went to do was go to the bathroom and grab their modified first aid kit before sitting an injured Tim down on a chair in their kitchen so he could help him.

After taking off his helmet of course, because no matter what technology he has installed in that darn helmet, his eyes would do better without it, especially since he's trying to take a bullet out of his boyfriends side.

In the run in Tim had also been shot by the goons in his left leg and on the right side of his stomach, so close to his rib that Jason was debating taking Tim to a hospital.

But the amount of blood that was on Tim's uniform is what shook Jason up. He didn't think he could take looking at Tim's uniform like that while he was working on taking out the bullet.

So Jason asked Tim to take off the top half of his uniform so he could focus better. Tim, thank the gods he was so sweet, didn't ask questions and simply did what Jason had asked him to do.

Thankfully Jason was able to focus easier like this. But it still hurt Jason. He had these thoughts in his head about what if he wasn't there to help him, or if no one was there at all.

And that's when the first sign of a tear appeared in his eyes. His vision was becoming blurry and unclear, but he had to focus on taking out the bullet first.

Jason focused everything on his mind to removing the bullet in Tim's side, trying ignore those what ifs still stuck in the back of his mind.

Once the bullet was removed, Jason threw it away, before washing the medical tweasers just in case, before going to remove the bullet from Tim's thigh.

But it was when he was taking care of the rather vicious bite wound on Tim's right shoulder that Jason let himself succumb to the tears that he was bottling up for so long.

Tim felt it first. He felt Jason's hands start to rapidly shake before he heard Jason sniffle behind him. His eyes widened for a split second before he figured maybe Jason would cheer up after hearing a joke.

That's how Jason coped. He would tell bad jokes and laugh everything else, so maybe he just needed to hear a bad joke himself to feel better.

"Hey Jay. Why did the detective lose his second job at the airport?"

There was no sound for a second, so Tim continued the joke.

"He kept cracking cases."

And that's when Tim heard a sob come from behind him, forcing him to turn around to see Jason digging his hands into his hair.


Jason's hands fell into his lap, letting Tim see all the tears streaming down his face, and the sad smile on his face.

"You could have died, you dork." Was the first response Tim had gotten from his lover ever since he had asked Tim to remove the top half of his uniform.

And that's when Tim realized what Jason was going through. He was scared he was going to lose Tim, that he would be left alone. Again.

Tim's face morphed into a soft expression as he slowly went to give Jason a hug, who gladly accepted it and was obviously trying not to hurt Tim.

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