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Hello and welcome to another episode of Rendezvous with Teens. 

Today we another special author with us,  who is going to share her beautiful journey. 

Any guesses?


It's non other than our very own 

*spotlight falls on the author*



Please have a sit 

*author sits*

Ok. So,  with out any further ado, let's get start! 

1. Username:


2. Real name (if you don't want to disclose its okay) :

I'm Heer Mangtani. It's nice to meet you :)

You have a beautiful name,  Heer! And nice meeting you too.  **smiles**

3. Age:

18 (and a half– does that count? 😉)

**chuckles** Yes,  it does. 

4. Where did you get the inspiration to start writing?

A very often asked question, and to be honest, I don't know because nothing in particular inspires me. Sometimes it's the world, sometimes it's what people around me love, but most times, it's emotions. Empathy is a very strong part of my nature and I think a lot of times, I draw inspiration from what people feel. How they look at the world, how they deal with pain. I love noticing small details and something in there often inspires me to write about it.

5. What are the things you do in your leisure time?

Leisure time... ah. Except college/studies, most of my time only goes in writing and editing. When I do have the exceptionally free time, I take up a good book to read or bake cookies. I'm also very appreciative of art, and so I draw and paint a lot. And then there's music. My love for music is infinite. ☺️

Wow that wonderful.

Can you bake chocolate chip cookies for me? **Puppy dog face**

6. What is the first work you wrote in this platform? What was the response you got for that work?

 The first book I wrote on Wattpad was a very long time back, but the first real book that I even published and is still out there to read is His P.A. I was an amateur writer at that time and I'm not very proud of my grip over words, but the response was MASSIVE. Till date it remains my most loved and talked about book, and well, I'm everything I am as a writer because of that one. 💓

I have read His PA,  His wife and Hamesha.

Actually, don't hate me. Ok? But I started watching KYY after reading Hamesha.🙈

7. What is your prospective about teenage?

 I don't think I qualify about talking about teenage owing I'm only eighteen, but if you ask me, I think it's the best phase of life. It was THE phase. You fall in love and get heartbroken for the first time, you make great friends, you lose some, you play pranks, cry and laugh for the silliest reasons, make tons of mistakes.. but at the end, you find yourself. Teenage is that phase that defines who you become. So my only advice to all teenagers is, don't be so hard on yourself. It's okay if you don't know who you are or what you want to do ahead. You have all life to worry about that. This is the point you have to do what makes you happy. Sneak out a little. Lie a little. Learn what your heart wants you to, no matter how stupid it might seem. Fall without the fear of getting hurt because only those who dare to fall when they're young manage to rise when they get older. This is your time. Let no one in the world tell you otherwise.

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