Chapter 2- Cotton Tail

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I don't think I had ever flown as fast as I did trying to get to the Sacred Tree. I was out of breath by the time I made it to the area where some of the other fairies were setting up with decorations and food.

I stopped to catch my breath as I looked around for the Fairy Saint of the forest. After a minute of taking in some air, I flew down to see if I could find her. I looked amongst the other fairies for a little while but not finding Elaine.

"Pearl?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see Harlequin looking at me questioningly, but it didn't take long for him to replace it with a gentle smile. "You seem lost."

"Hey, Harlequin, can you tell my where I can find your sister?" I asked scratching my cheek with one finger nervously. "I sort of fell asleep earlier and I wanted to talk with Elaine and apologize."

He tilted his head slight to the right, that smile of his shifting to a mischievous smirk. "Before I answer that, I want you to answer my question first."

I was confused, what could he want to ask me? Something about the dance, maybe? Either way, I didn't like that that smirk he had. He had the look of someone planning something. "Alright, what's your question?"

He floated closer to me, his arms held behind his back and his legs crossed at the ankles. "Well, correct me if I'm wrong but weren't you planning on avoiding Helbram for a little while?"

I was even more confused now. Why was he being up Helbram right now? As far as I could tell, he wasn't here at the moment.

Suddenly, I heard a whistle behind me. "Oh my, now that's a pretty nice set of wings you got there," said a silvery voice behind me.

My face grew hot and I could tell my face was red considering who's voice it was behind me.

I slowly turned around to see a boy with light green hair that came down to about the mid of his neck and spiked down at the ends, while his bangs crossed between his yellow eyes. His ears were pointed and came out from behind his hair. He had long white wings folded behind him that had two blue lines on the end of each wing. He wore a green dress shirt buttoned up with an orange flower on his collar and yellow cuffs. He had a pair of black pants tucked into some matching black boots.

Helbram floated upside down with both his arms and legs crossed. He had a gentle smile as his eyes stared into mine. "Hey there, Cotton Tail." He turned right up and uncrossed his leg, he brought his face close to mine making my face burn more than it was before. I needed to control myself or else I was going to do something stupid.

Helbram smirked, "My, you look flustered," he said taking one of my hands in between both of his. He did this often, especially when he notices my blush.

"I- I..." I tried to speak but my voice was caught in my throat. I wasn't sure what I wanted to say anyway.

Out of no where an acorn hit Helbram on the top of the head. He frowned and rubbed his head where it had hit him as he looked to his right. "It's rude to interrupt someone's conversation, Sage, especially when you're throwing things," he said placing his hand to his hip.

I looked to see who it was he was talking to and saw a girl with dark purple hair that was swept move to the left side and came down just above the shoulders and emerald green eyes. She had on a dress that had a strap that wrapped around her neck and was a dark like green at the top and faded into a lighter green as it spiked out like leaves below the knee. She wore some green flats that, like mine, had vines wrapped around the calves of her legs. Her wings were the same as Helbram's except instead of blue, she had green lines. She had her hands on her hips, a look of frustration masking her face.

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