Who's That Guy?, pt. 2

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For the rest of the week, the days progressed similarly. He noticed less of those that bothered him at the complex but along with that, he noticed that Fubuki was spending hours away at a time during the lunch and early afternoon hours. Even on days when he wasn't out punching monsters. Still, she always returned with boxes of food. Expensive meals that she assured wasn't a problem. Fine sushi in the shape of flower buds. Wagyu steak. Unagi. Flourette baby leaf salads with caviar for her.

"How are you affording these meals?" he asked.

"Oh, I only performed some freelance monster-killing on the side. I've done it before for extra funds."

He thought on it for a second but more or less accepted it. "That sounds like fun."


The following day, her driver called the whole gang over. Lily, Mountain Ape, Eyelashes, and most of the others met up outside of a fine restaurant called Mr. Toma's Kitchen.

"Well, what's the problem?" asked Mountain Ape. "Is the President in trouble?"

"Yeah, show me where the monster is!" Lily said locking her three section staff behind her shoulders and still jabbing it up impressively into the air multiple times. "I'm ready!"

Mountain Ape grabbed the driver by his collar. "Well, take us to her! What's the holdup?"

"Well, if you'd just ..." the driver slipped out Mountain Ape's hold and adjusted his suit. "Just follow me, I'll show you."

He took them to the window wall of the restaurant where President Fubuki had a center table of the bustling, fancy place. She was having lunch with the martial artist Suiryu.

"She doesn't look like she's in trouble" one of the members said.

"Yeah, just the opposite."

Then they watched as Suiryu reached over and touched Fubuki's arm and she didn't pull away or push his hand off. In fact, they shared a chuckle.

"Whooooaaa!" a few of them howled. They pressed up against the glass and even struggled a bit with each other for a place, all to get a better look at the two.

"That jerk!" Lily shouted. "Thinkin' he can get familiar with the president like he's her equal. I'll fix him!"

She started for the door but Eyelashes grabbed her by her neck collar and held her back.

"Hold on, Lily."

"Isn't the president with the vice president?" somebody asked.

"Yeah, that's right."

There was a brief pause amongst all of them and then Mountain Ape raised his large fist.

"Yes!" he shouted. "We can finally get rid of that baldy! Yes!"

"We should observe some more" said Eyelashes.

"Mmhmm" Lily agreed with a nod.

Mountain Ape nodded as well. Then they all pressed up against the window again and peered inside.

Saitama was walking down the street in casual shorts and sandals. He had just come back from the small market with milk, instant noodles and tea. There were other people walking down the street as well but he was lost in thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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