11. New Friends & Perrie's Power

Start from the beginning

~Louis' Point of View~

Where on earth is he!?

He wasn't here for first, second, or third period. Thank goodness Liam wasn't here today... If he finds out he's going to kill me.

"Hey man." I jumped at the sound of the voice behind me. I turned around with a scowl, ready to slap whoever interrupted my thinking, but it disappeared when I saw whom it was.

"Nialler!" I shouted happily, pulling him in for a massive hug. He chortled and hugged me back.

"What had you so worried a second ago?" He questioned, sitting in the seat next to me. I had been one of the first people to get to fourth period, completely forgetting that we were supposed to skip, that's how anxious I was.

"I haven't seen Harry since this morning and I don't know what to do. He could be anywhere," I groaned, slamming my head onto the desk, leaving the tiniest indent. "Liam's going to murder me if I don't find him," I whined, close to tears. As I've mentioned, an angry Liam is not a fun Liam... I looked up and glared at the chuckling leprechaun next to me and was about to snap at him when I was interrupted.

"If you don't find who?" My head snapped over to the voice and my body immediately relaxed. I let out a breath and sat back in my seat.

"Oh thank the heavens. You," I answered, immensely relieved that he was here. Now I won't die! He smirked and sat in his seat, turning around so he was facing us.

"Sorry to worry you. I'm here now," Harry replied cockily with a wink. Niall laughed again and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I turned to Niall, about to ask if he still wanted to skip since the teacher had yet to make an appearance, but my mouth fell open and my eyes quite possibly popped out of their sockets when I saw that he was talking to Harry.


The Niall who almost, almost hated Harry as much as me...

Was actually conversing with him...


What the hell did I miss?

Before I could question it the bell rang and the teacher, who came out of nowhere honestly, began talking about whatever it is he talks about, leaving me to ponder this sudden change of events.

"What was that all about?" I questioned, pulling Niall to the side as soon as class ended.

"What was what?" He asked nonchalantly. I frowned.

"You know what I mean. When did you suddenly become best friends with Harry? Just this morning you wanted to avoid him," I practically seethed. He shrugged, leaning against one of the tables.

"You know, he's not that bad once you get to know him. Give it a try sometime, aye?" He said, giving me a hopeful look. I chuckled bitterly, shaking my head.

"Not a chance. I don't know what he did that made you change your mind, but he's still an uncaring, rude ass twit to me," I snarled. Niall stood up straight, placing his hand on my shoulder and looking me in the eye.

"Just think about it, k mate?" He said softly. The sincerity in his eyes made me actually think about it for a second, but I immediately snapped myself out of it.

"No," I replied stubbornly. He sighed and dropped his hand back down to his side.

"We'll see. Can we go to lunch now? I'm starving." He rubbed his stomach and made an overly-exaggerated pained face, causing me to smile against my will.

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