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Kyle reached his home and discovered the local police was there and upon entering the house his mother seeing him jumped up and hugged her son almost strangling him but he was relieved to see his mom and could feel her tears hot on his shoulder but hugged her greatly but upon seeing she was the only one greeting him apart from the two officers who were in the house. Kyle asking his mother where Toni and Adam were and she him that they went missing around the same time he didn't return and upon asking what day it was stating it was Monday, two weeks later and Kyle instantly shocked turned away

" So I've been gone that long, but it only felt like a couple of hours," Kyle thought. " Dammit, and now I have to find some explanation as to where I've been".

At this his mom went to the kitchen to go prepare some tea the two cops took to questioning Kyle, the young male learning that he was in the presence of the Sheriff of the Bishop Creek Police and his Deputy Michael Taine and most of the questions were things which Kyle expected of where he had been and what had happened but Kyle made sure to keep his answers as discreet as possible after all if tv has taught him anything stating that you were attacked by supernatural creatures that may or may not exist is just asking to be sent to the looney bin or worse, for now he needed to find Toni and Adam and he knew exactly who to go to.

After a few more minutes of questioning they officers called it a day and began to leave and Kyle was showing both men to the door and whether it was his senses being mistrustful but Kyle felt a chill from the Deputy as he left from the house and he closed the door. Upon turning around he was met by his mother's fierce stare and he knew what was coming

" You're going to get involved in their investigation. I just know you too well", she fumed. " Kyle, these guys will find them.

" Then why haven't they found any leads, not even a witness", Kyle asked and his mom looked away. " Two weeks missing and judging from their expressions they couldn't give less of a damn and what then we continue to wait with little to no information and then the case goes cold, like hell it will ''.

And with that Kyle stormed up to his room with his mom sighing frustrated but knowing Kyle they way she did he couldn't be stopped whenever he put his mind to something.

" He's just like that father of his", she said to herself but then remembered why she never mentioned it and didn't want to assume what had happened to Kyle. " He said when he came of age something would spark in Kyle's life but is the coming of age now, he's not 18 or is there something I'm missing?"

She pondered these thoughts as she went into the kitchen to start dinner.


Kyle had returned and as he expected he got tons of questions of where he had been but he just gave them the bare minimum of details which though didn't satisfy the gossip columns wasn't any of his business as he was on a mission to find the boy who he attempted to save those two weeks prior as he couldn't explain why but he just knew the person wasn't dead but that wasn't all Kyle felt during the early hours of class. During Weightlifting class he pumped weights with so much ease for the sake of it Bryan Farou who was his 'instructor' kept adding more and more weights and he lifted them shocking everyone while attending one of the two science classes he could have sworn he was hearing things as not only did his teacher's voice but everyone all around him ranging from creepy topics such as conspiracy of the US government to the frat girls mentioning what boys from the rugby team they wanted to have sex with, Kyle had to ensure he didn't throw up at the last one but thankfully the bell came and he rushed off to lunch.

After collecting his tray he looked around and sure enough he spotted who he was looking for seeing the same boy who he had saved two weeks prior to today. 

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