Chapter 1- The Beginning

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(WARNING: strong language and a bit of smut)

Like in every other normal story, you would expect a beginning like, "It was a sunny day on the hermitcraft server, and everything was going swimmingly". But really? You didn't come here for a normal story, so let's begin...

It was a fairly sunny day on the hermitcraft server and everything was going as planned; Hermits mining for Netherite, Everyone making farms and pranks. The shopping district was visited by every hermit every so often, either to buy stuff, or to restock shops. Recently the new shop by Impulse and Bdubs were making a huge profit selling beacons and torches and other blingy stuff.

And along with shopping, came new farms to keep shops in stock. As of the 1.16 update, there were Piglin bartering farms, huge pork chop farms, gold farms, wither skelly farms, the list was almost endless! Xisuma also made a zombified hoglin head farm, which was pretty hard to make; he needed to change some parts of the design in the process. Cubfan and Keralis helped him a lot, afk-ing in the overworld while he was in the nether, to keep chunks loaded or whatever.

(And now the real story starts...)

Xisuma: "Anyway, thanks for watching this episode, I'll see you in the next one, buh bye!"

X stops the recording and pulls out his communicator. He quickly types...

Xisuma: Thank you so much again, Keralis and Cub!

Cubfan: No problemo! :D

Keralis: Anything for my dear friend

Xisuma: Anyways, gotta go, need to catch up on some stuff, see ya!

Cubfan: Okie dokie, Bye X!

Xisumavoid left the game

Cubfan: Well that reminds me, I gotta go do something too

Cubfan: Bye!

Keralis: Byee!

Cubfan left the game

Keralis checks the tab list. He was the only one online.

He wasn't recording, so he thought he would just gather some shulker boxes of Oak leaves for the hedge games in the next few hours.

Or for the next ten minutes...

After almost 7 minutes, Keralis organized his shulker boxes and shears, he went into a lot of lags. Not long after, the server crashed with a message on the screen:-

Connection lost Timed Out

Back to server list

He tried logging in again, but the same message kept appearing. After a few tries, he was ready to give up, then the server was eventually able to be connected to... No more lag, phew! He went back to getting ready for the off-camera grind.

Then it started to rain. Not just rain though, it was a thunderstorm. He felt odd. This server doesn't have rains often, but he didn't mind at all.

Keralis decided that he's not going to grind leaves if there was a thunderstorm, absolutely not! Then he either could have fun with a Riptide trident, or go to bed and skip the rain.

He wants to have fun for a bit! But didn't have a Riptide trident, so he got from his own shop and then took his trident from his ender chest and enchanted it, and he was ready to go swirling in the sky. He went to the shopping district again to try the trident out in the sea.

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