1-When I close my eyes, this is an open space

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"Felix! Minho! Come on!"

"I'm coming Hyunjin! Calm down!"

"Jesus...I am too..."

The trio were running down the hall to the board, quick to see what it read.

"Yes! Minho and I are in to assist Brain Surgery!" Hyunjin cheered Hugging Minho.

"Alright, let's see me..." Felix mumbled looking for his name, the other two also looking. When they saw it they both tensed up.

"Uh oh..." Minho mumbled.

"This isn't good..." Hyunjin whispered to him, Felix's eyes going wide to see his name. Next to someone else's.

"Oh you've got to me fucking kidding me! Of all people I'm doing surgery again with-"

"Great, I'm stuck with your ass again?"

Just then the trio heard a voice behind them, Felix's mood becoming more pissed off.

"I'm not thrilled about being stuck with your ass either Chan!" Felix snapped back facing him.

The two having a glaring match inches apart, but that wasn't new. Everyone on the floor new the pair hated each other.

"This will be interesting..." Chan's friend Han muttered standing near him.

Felix glanced at him before scoffing at Chan.

Of fucking course with my luck! Ugh!

Yes, everyone knew the two blondes loathed each other. Ever since in high school too. The two were always competitive with one another to be top in their class, same thing happened when they coincidentally went to the same university graduating with honors and top students.

And the same thing happened once again...when the two got into the top residency program as interns at Yellowwood Hospital. The best hospital in the city with the best doctors.

The two wasn't sure if it was unlucky faith, but they constantly hated seeing the other do better at any task. Including being stuck in the same surgeries together at times.

Their coincidental specialty was Heart Surgery, so the surgeries were almost begging or fighting to get in with the lead doctors.

Anytime other interns or doctors saw the two blondes face to face, they would worry all hell would break lose.

"Aw, little Lixie nervous I'll have to take over surgery again? I mean, you panicked when the patients blood pressure dropped last time~" he smirked sarcastically crossing his arms.

"Oh shut up Chan! I only got nervous because you kept messing with me even though Dr. Hye told your ass to shut up! And it won't happen again, I promise that!" He snapped back, eyeing Chan's facial expression as well as his blue tip hair right over his eye.

The other just gave a teasing laugh stepping back.

"We'll see...little Lixie~" he smirked before leaving with his friends, Felix huffing in anger still yelling at him.

"And stop calling me that! I'm not little!"

Chan just waved his hand walking down the hall disappearing around the corner, as soon as he did Felix let out a sigh turning to his friends.

"Unbelievable..." he shook his head glancing to the board.

"Lix, can't you two get along? You've both been like this since high school! You act like a Couple already..." Minho whined.

"Minho we are not a couple! And It's not my fault he's a prick! He thinks he's so much better than me! The idiot forgets we both had the same scores and GPA" Felix scoffed crossing his arms.

"Lixie, maybe if you both talked-"

"Hyunjin I tried that a long ass time ago in high school, he always thought he was too cool to talk someone like me. But that's fine, I'll just show him up in this next surgery" he smirked.

"Well...if you say so..." Minho sighed.

"Yup, and he won't be laughing when I get all the surgeries next week" Felix teased before walking off as well, Hyunjin and Minho looked at each other nervously.

"He's giving himself more stress than he needs..."

"Tell me about it..."


What also made it worse for the pair, was they also lived in the same apartment building as did most the interns. So they would see each other on the way to work most mornings or coming home.

Felix couldn't wait for his surgery to show Chan he was best...but it didn't go as he hoped.

"Dr. Lee! Blood pressure is dropping!! What do we do??" A nurse said in a panic.

"U-um we-"

"Felix hurry up and think or the patient is dead!"
Dr. Hye yelled as she was observing, him and Chan as well as the other nurses were doing heart surgery replacing a valve but there was a bleed out.

"U-um suction! I need more blood and suction!" He yelled looking to the nurses, glancing at the machine he saw the patient was almost flatlining.

"Felix! Do something!" Dr. Hye yelled, she was trying her best of training before getting involved since it was Felix's task to replace the Valve. But he ended up freezing, his mind going blank forgetting all his studies of how to finish.

"I-I um-"

"Fuck it, move!" Chan pushed him to the side quickly taking over to stop the bleeding.

"Clamp! Now!" He yelled to a nurse, Felix still feeling his body freeze watching Chan take over, then the realization hit he screwed up when the patients blood pressure went back up.

"Patient is stabilized, good work Chan" Dr. Hye said to him, Chan gave a small thank you as he ended up finishing the surgery himself. Felix just watching feeling self defeated looking at the blood on his gloves.

I...wasn't able to do anything...

He felt himself want to tear up, then heard the doctor get his attention.

"Felix, I'd like to speak with you after the surgery is over" she said to him, giving a nod. Chan glanced at Felix, the younger could already tell he was smirking under his mask.


When they finished the surgery, Felix went to have the talk with Dr. Hye which did not go well.

"Felix you froze up again?? How??"

"Jinnie...I-I don't know...it happened again..." he muttered as he was eating lunch with him and Minho.

"I think it's because Chan was there...anytime he's around you for some reason it messes with you..." Minho sighed eating a carrot.

"You might be right..." he sighed back before continuing.

"I think Chan-"

"Aw, little Lixie thinks about me?~"

Just then the trio saw Chan and his friends Han and Changbin with their food trays, about to go eat their lunch but stopped by Felix.

"What do you want Chan? And no I don't" Felix snapped glaring at him.

"Oh I think you do. Is that why little Lixie froze up like a deer I headlights during surgery? Looks like I'll be getting all of the new surgeries next week~" he smirked before leaving with his friends. Felix giving a frustrated sigh crossing his arms.

I'll show you Chan! I'm more than what you think!

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