nothing but sipping and eating

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i stumbled out of the bathroom after throwing up the staight vokca and popcorn i had about 15 mins ago. i havent left the house since monday which was 2 days ago i couldnt do anything but feel bad for myself and think how could i be so stupid to still love that nigga wasted 2 years on him gave him my love my body, he was my first of everything. i remember the fist time we made love, we had been dating for a 7 months and we went to busch gardens in tampa and they just started the fireworks and it started to rain and we ran all the way to his truck we laughed as my hair started to curl up and we stopped and looked deep into each others eyes and he leaned in and grabbed my chin and pecked my lips and said "im in love with you saira jones", i know i know just because a nigga say he loves you dont mean you gotta give him some pussy but it was something about him, how'd he grabbed my leg and swung it over his and pulled me onto his lap.... anyway another story needs to be told before that. how we met, we met at his basketball game 2 years ago i went to the oppisite school he was playing that night, he shot that 5seconds left in the game 3 pointer made everybody shoot up with a loud woooooooo!!!! everyone chanting his name TONY!! TONY !! TONY!! TONY!! over and over again. it was kinda weird how everybody ran down on the court and i just stood there in the stance, some of the other players picked him up onto they're shoulders i stood there looking straight at him and him looking straight at me. i looked away and walked away, next thing i know i see him getting down and running up the bleachers saying "hey hey wait um yo ma" i turned around so fast and said thats not my named, so what is it? saria, saria saria, what can i help you with, um sorry you just so beautiful i seen you and i just had to say hi, well hi um tony is that what they were chanting, he laughed yeah im tony, right at that moment killed me then and now thinking back.* knock knock knock* i woke up out the daze and got up and walked to the door and looked out the peephole and open the door, it was my friend tasha always bubbly and smily ugh how she got on my nerves right at that moment, girl what you want, i got popcorn and gummy bears and a bottle of wine just for you , you didnt bring the... ice cream i know its in the car im going back down to get it open the wine while im gone dont drink all up ok thats the good shit, i laughed and said ok and closed the door, I headed to the kitchen and put the things down, i got the bottle opener and open the wine got 2 glasses from the cabnet and pour the wine into the glasses, and pull out the popcorn and put it in the microwave. i hear another knock on the door, here come tasha with 2 big bags of tubs of ice crean chocolate coconut cherry strawberry blueberry. damn tasha you you killed Timmy's american express card today huh, she laughed yes huny just for you 140 plus your getting out this house tonight. ....wait tasha dont you have a man to cater too? yes but he understands when my bestfriend is in need and he is not . we laughed and drunk our wine and ate the gummy bears and popcorn and ice cream watched old movies. then i blacked out, maybe all the alcohol all i could think about was me and tony's 3 year anniversary next week, damnit i spent hard core time on that boy, and now some girl gonna take him. i dont care anymore, i woke up to a boom boom boom on the door, tasha can you get that i cant get it. i open up my eyes and looked around she was no where to be found so i got up and opened the door to see tony...


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