Goodbye my fellow authors

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Goodbye my fellow Authors and readers alike. I vow on the Styx to never ever ever forget anyone. Also Ally, in Regrets I can be the author who dies since I'll no longer be on.  Just know you have made a lasting impression on my heart. Thank you for opening my eyes to all I have to say goodbye to now. Thank you for being the greatness I know and love thank you for being there. I'm sad becouause of goodbyes but thank you for that. JBV Thank you for making me laugh. Cyan Thank you for being like my big sister. I wanted to be just like you. you're just wonderful. Sluggy The odd little furball I'll never forget you are amazing and beutiful inside and out. Juvinnie I don't know what I'd do without you. I may have not known you long but you'll be in my heart forever. I wish I could stay but  I cant.

             how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard. ~Whinnie the pooh 

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