(6) Henry

55 20 27

Sunday- 24 July, 2019

Henry Oyelowo

Living with the harsh, loving father of mine was really no joke. There were times I could not have wished for a better parent and times I regretted it.

This wasn't the first time my dad and I were not on the same page, but this time felt different. All I wished to do was run far from him, just so I could breath.

Thus, I found myself in our vast indoor pool enjoying the peaceful solitude. I loved swimming whenever I was free, if I wasn't in the waters I was beating Toby's ass on PlayStation.

The pool was the best place in the house that I could clear my head and avoid my dad as he rarely came there. The events of Friday nights replayed in my head which only made me angry.

I was very well old enough to make my decisions so God knows why he was adamant. Six years of pressure trying to be the best of the best. The best grades that every parent would be amazed but he still kept pushing me.

I had had enough and chose to take a gap year get my head straight and decide if what I really wanted was to take over the family business. After five laps, I got out of the water, grabbed the towel on the bench to clean my wet hands and picked up my phone to read recent messages.


You can pay 150k every month.

I was ecstatic seeing the message from my cousin in Miami, who I planned to go live with. I just had to gather enough money to sustain myself before I could fully settle and get a job. Yes, I was going to run from home or better still take a long vacation.

A part of me knew my dad would rebuke the idea of a gap year so I made a plan B.
Run. Far away where he couldn't reach me.

A year ago, I would have laughed at the idea of mine knowing it was unbelievable. I knew not a single thing about hardship or survival and there I was, calling for it with open arms all because of my stubbornness to obey my dad.

I had gotten help from toby to support my plans but it wasn't enough. I planned on staying there a long time and if I was going to keep up with my lavish lifestyle, I had to come up with enough money.

I had an idea to come up with more money but had doubts and wasn't proud of it. I went ahead to send a text to my close friend, Ric.

Hey bro, I need some Ice. How soon can I get it?

I got a reply seconds later.

Ric: How many bags?


Ric: 10? That's a lot.

I want to sell them.

Ric: It's going to cost you bro.

I know, I have the cash.

The sound of shoe heels hitting the hard wood floor of the pool room got my attention, noticing the area. I quickly put off my phone.

"Hi, big bro!" Laura beamed.

The sweet nauseating voice of my sister resonated the room as she stood right behind me.

"What do you want?"

"Oh nothing, just came to say hi." She said, moving closer to where I could see her.

"Do you like my dress?" She twirled, showing off the expensive floral dress, looking so much like our mom but was only missing the dull look in her eyes to complete it.

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