Everything doesn't make sense

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Everything doesn't make sense

The air around me was cool, crisp and what I was normally used to. The indigo sky fell over my eyes. The only sweet smell I could sense was the beautiful aromas of pine and oak. The scents that keep me calm. The scents that are mine. They cling to me like a child on her mother's chest. If they can make a cologne named after me, I would be famous.

For a moment, I stood in the darkness, allowing the cool air lick my hot skin. Through the darkness, I could see a body. A figure standing not even five feet away from me. In that instance, I could've sworn I could hear it breathe. I believed I could feel its breath caress my cheeks, inviting. Sweet like honeysuckle, and blazing like a winter's fire. Every goosebump rose on my skin, and sent shivers down my spine.

Something in my soul told me it came back. It was looking for me. It wants me for some reason, and I would love to know what that reason is. It's been stalking me in my dreams. It just stares at me through the pitch darkness. No words, no other movements. Just standing, breathing. Silence.

That dream was interrrupted by loud, obnoxious banging and familiar voices. I tried to tune out the noises and focus on trying to fall back asleep. The noises just got louder and more annoying.

"Stephanie!" I definitely recognize that voice. High pitched, childlike. Colleen.

"Stephanie! Wake up!" Her childlike voice echoed throughout the house.

I dreaded dealing with Colleen.

I love my cousin, but she can be a pain and I sometimes wish she would just grow up and act her age. One hundred and fifty.

Of course I didn't want to get up out of bed. I groaned and rolled over to my side. Her voice still echoed through the house.

"Stephanie! Get your ass up! I need to talk to you!"

I slinked through the hallway, half asleep. I felt like my body was weightless and I was barely making an effort to walk.

As soon as I got to the bottom of the staircase, Colleen jerked my arm with all of her vampire strength and sat me next to her.

"What is it?" I asked.


"What about him? What happened?"

"He bit Lily!" she sounded like she was choking back her tears.

That woke me up. "Why? What for?"

"One word, your grandfather." JT held onto Colleen's hand tight. She looked as if she was ready to jump out her skin.

My sleepiness quickly disappeared. I was suddenly more alert. "My grandfather? What does Mark have anything to do with it?"

Colleen finally snapped back into reality. "He was spying for grandpa."

"What? That's impossible. No one has had contact with grandpa for centuries." I nearly screamed the words.

"We didn't but Uncle Markus did." Colleen stared blankily at the floor.

"I don't understand. I thought grandpa was dead." I said.

"Apparently not." she said.

"Then what are we gonna do? My mother cannot find out that grandpa is alive. She will go-" I paused.

"Apeshit?" Colleen finished.

"Of course, apeshit." I said frowning at one of her Colleen vocabulary words.

"If she finds out, she could destroy half of this town." Colleen said.

"Or worse, every vampire in the immediate vicinity and then the whole town."

The Crying Wolf Chronicles: Forbidden (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now