05 kisses

33 3 3

It's Tuesday night and Lucas and I are on his bed doing our homework. I'm laying on my stomach at the foot of his bed facing the window that looked out onto Lucas mom's garden Lucas is laying next to me on go back holding his homework above his head staring at the paper confused. I look over at him and laugh.

Something confusion

He l9oks over at me and smiles

Lucas- I just don't understand why your dad is making us do this Farkle is the only one who wanted to learn about Belgium 1831

Lucas complains

My dad had assigned us a worksheet to introduce us to Belgium 1831 before we started covering it tomorrow

Riley- Lucas it's not that bad

I laugh looking at him adoringly

Lucas- Riley it's busy work He knew you were coming over tonight!"

Riley- OK so you want me to believe that my dad gave us homework because I was coming over

I laugh in disbelief

Lucas- Yes

Lucas laughs

Riley- Lucas that's ridiculous

Lucas- Really you think he wants me doing this".

Lucas says leaning down to kiss me lightly I expect Lucas to pull away but instead he grabs my waist and he cups my face gently as he slips his tongue into my mouth I slip my arm behind his neck pulling him down closer to me

Lucas- Riley

Lucas says pulling away from me slightly

Riley- Lucas it's OK

I say looking up at him seriously

summer rain Rucas one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon