Chapter One

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"Tayler Holder and Regan Cross step out once again fueling the dating rumours. Are these two really dating? We've got the answer." 

Rolling my eyes as Griffin's voice filled the room, I couldn't help but want to smack the phone right out of his hands. It was becoming tedious that going out for dinner with friends was making the tabloids so often. I mean, what's so special about that? I know people are interested in my life and who I'm hanging around with but sometimes, I just want to hangout with a friend without a rumour circulating. Being a YouTuber, people are always going to assume things and I'm fully aware of that but it just gets boring having to deal with it all the time.

"Don't tell me the answer, I want to guess." Jaden piped up, diverting his full attention to Griffin. "I think...they are." He said, smirking as he looked over at me. 

"You caught us." Tayler said, walking into the room. "We've been secretly dating this whole time!" Feeling his hands grip my shoulders, he gave me a good shake before laughing it off and grabbing a water from the fridge. "I honestly still can't believe they haven't given up with this whole 'Tegan' thing. I mean, we've been friends for years now and people still think we're trying to keep it a secret." 

"The best relationships are the ones that were 'just friends' before." Jaden said, waving his finger in the air as if it was making his point more legitimate. 

"Okay, so ignoring this whole thing," I began, getting up from the couch and grabbing my purse. "I'm going to film an episode of Casey's podcast and knowing us, we'll probably start drinking and end up talking for hours but in the meantime, you guys can stay not trash my house and up for dinner later?" Receiving multiple nods from the boys, I grabbed my keys and headed over to Casey's. 


"Here we are with another episode of Chatting with Casey. I'm actually doing pretty well with weekly also helps that no one can really do much else with their lives so I pretty much always have guests ready and available. So for today's guest, we have the one and only...Regan Cross! Welcome! Now, if you don't know who Regan is, I don't know where you've been for the past three years that she's been blowing up but she's a YouTuber who dabbles in makeup, challenges, vlogs, all that good stuff and she's also one of my best friends." 

"Why is it that I could sit in a room with you and be totally fine, talk for hours but as soon as we start recording an episode, I get extremely nervous." I said, laughing as my heart rate picked up speed. My voice was shaky and I just knew that I was about to say more than one stupid thing in this episode.

"It's because you know I'm going to get down to your deepest secret because that's just simply what I'm good at." Taking a deep breath in, I couldn't help but laugh at the mischievous smile on Casey's face and I just knew I was in for a wild time.


"I've never really thought about it, I guess." I said into the mic. We had been recording the episode for about an hour now and so far, it seemed to be going well. Casey had asked fans to send in some questions if we ended up running out of things to talk about and of course, the number one trending question came up. "It always just kind of seemed...platonic, in a way."

"So you're sitting here saying if Tayler wanted to try it out, you'd say no?" Casey asked with a look of disbelief on her face.

Thinking about my friendship with Tayler, it wasn't ever something I questioned. We'd only known each other for a couple of years now but we've spent every day together since. He was my best friend and not once did I ever think he could be more than that.

"I wouldn't have to say no because he'd never want to try it out." I said, laughing as Casey rolled her eyes. "Okay, hear me out. The reason I'm saying this is because there's never been one of 'those' moments, you know? Those moments where you're questioning everything about your relationship with that person. Those moments where everything changes for you. Those moments where everything from there on out means something more. With Tayler, I could never see that happening. And don't get me wrong, he's obviously attractive but that level of interest is not there...for either of us."

"You've really never thought about him like that...?" Casey questioned. I understood why she was so hesitant to believe me but I really was telling the truth.

"No." I explained, shaking my head. Everybody always wanted something more between me and Tayler and I see why they'd think that but Tayler really is just a friend. "I've never wanted to explore a romantic relationship with him and that's the honest truth." I said, raising my right hand as if I was swearing to tell the truth in a court of law.

Nodding her head, I knew she'd drop the conversation...the conversation about Tayler, that is. "So then, if the answer to the question is not Tayler, let me ask you again. Out of the boys we hangout with, that being Hype, Sway, whatever,  who would you rather marry?" 

Playing with the heart pendant on my necklace, I could feel myself becoming more nervous with every passing minute. I don't know if I should be completely honest with all of Casey's listeners and then some, or if I should lie through my teeth and just say someone completely random.

Taking a sip of my drink, I figured I knew the best way to go.

"Noah Beck."

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