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It had been about a week and a half since we buried my mom. Mason hadn't left my side.

When Mason walked into her house that day, followed by paramedics and police, I broke down. I knew it was real. Seeing them made it permanent (I was told she died of a ruptured brain aneurysm). Mason's face was so sad. He grabbed me and held my head to his chest. I held him in a vice grip. He was the only thing keeping me tethered to myself. If I let him go, I was going to lose it.

They wheeled her past me on the stretcher, a sheet covering her. Mason turned me away and covered my eyes. He was so good to try to protect me. He whispered in my ear.

“I'm so sorry I wasn't here with you. I'm so sorry.”

I felt wetness on the side of my face. I looked up at him and watched the tears fall.

“You didn't know.

“Oh baby.” He fixed me to his chest and held me for a long time. Eventually, he sat me on the couch. I laid down as he went into the kitchen. I heard him on the phone, but couldn't make out who he was talking to. He came back into the living room with a bottle of water and some crackers and cheese. “Eat these and drink this.”

I was about to protest when he shut me down. His eyebrow was raised so I knew he meant business.

“No arguments.”

He sat on the couch with me and placed my head in his lap. I nibbled at the cheese and ate a few crackers. I hadn't realized how dry my mouth was until the water revitalized it.

“Thank you.”

He stroked my hair and sighed, “I'm gonna take care of you. I got you.”

My heart swelled at those words. He sounded so resolute. About 15 minutes later there was a knock on the door. Mason got up and opened it. I was standing when Mama Lisa pushed past him and dove into my arms. She too was what I needed and I let the dam break.



The sound that came out of Jasmine when my mom hugged her was devastating. It was haunting, visceral, bone shattering. I watched as they sank to the floor and my mom rocked my girl, rubbing circles in her back to soothe her. I felt so helpless because I couldn't fix this. I couldn't give Jasmine her mother back. This was the worst. I went to the floor and wrapped my arms around both of them. We all cried.



The service was beautiful. Many of mom's old coworkers and students showed up. The students gave a nice card with a plaque honoring her. The words people said in remembrance of her were poignant and beautiful. Mason had been a constant. If he wasn't standing by me, arm wrapped around me, his eyes always found me.

Now I was trying to figure out how to navigate my life without her here. I'd taken a break from business to grieve. I felt a deep disappointment for letting my clients down, but I just didn't have the energy or focus. I wouldn't be able to give them my best and I felt bad.

I was sitting on my bed, staring into space when Mason walked in. I hadn't left my room in two days. He'd tried and I'd just turn away from him. He never pushed. He brought me food and every night he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom for a shower. I barely registered his touch, but I knew he was there, holding me up, helping me face the small piece of the world I could. He didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve him.

“Babe, come to the living room with me.”

I shook my head no.

“You can't stay in here forever.”

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