Chapter 6: Aw hell no.

Start from the beginning

            I roared my baby to life and sped out onto the street, gearing this standard car to life.  I skid past the yellow light, barely passing the upcoming red signal. 

            You see, back in Canada, I was a champion street driver.  Midnight time was usually the time I was either partying or street racing.  My men opponents always laughed and teased me that I was a girl and thought that I couldn’t drive.  Mistakenly, I kicked their ass’ in the races, earning my respect.  I’m a pro driver, especially at standard, drifting was also my specialty. 

            Three minutes flat, I sped into the parking lot of school, drifting a sharp turn.  An inch away from the curb I stopped the car.  A perfect parking spot too.  I toned down the loud engine and stepped out of the car, resting my sunglasses on my hair. 

            I could feel multiple eyes staring at me, most astonished that I was a girl who came out of that sexy Mustang.  I locked the car with that usual, ‘Beep-Beep’ noise and strutted out.  I continued having gawking looks as I walked up the long stairs to American Chester High.  I took the elevator with a janitor, him clearly not caring with his ‘Beats’ headphones on, and headed over to my English hallway. 

            I quickly gathered my stuff from my locker, smoothly slipping into English Class just as Mr. Gillian closed the door. 

            I proceeded to my seat in the front, sliding past Chris.   We were sitting in the same spots as the library.  I placed in my headphones as Mr.Gillian began to talk about our term 1 projects that lasted till the end of the semester. 

            “…..And I will be picking your partners,” Mr. Gillian finished as the song on my iPod ended.  “Miss DeLor, are you even listening?”

            “Nop,” I said kicking up my feet.  The class laughed.  I continued blaring the music, completely tuning out Mr. Gillain.

            He mouthed something else to me so I just nodded and smiled, not really caring.  Mr. Gillian posted up a paper on the board and everyone swarmed to it, like it was the last source of food.

            I waited until all my classmates settled down until I got up to see what they were looking at.  It was the list of partners.  I scanned with my finger down the list pending for my name.  Then I found it.

            DeLor and Daniels

            What did I get myself into?

            I mumbled to myself as I made my way back to my seat, absolutely miserable.  The period ended quick with no show of Brian.  I wonder where he was? 

            Probably getting high or kissing some slut, I chuckled to myself.

            The rest of the day flashed by quick.  Klaire and I switched numbers at the end of gym class.  I shot Noah a smile as we passed by each other several times during the laps and stretches.  Klaire and I talked the entire lunch period and the last two periods, since she was in every one of my classes except English. 

            Next thing I knew it was the end of the day.  Tomorrow was the weekend.  Damn, that was fast.  Then again, my first day at this school was on Thursday.

            I strolled over to my car and climbed in driving home.  Just as I pulled in the driveway, my phone blinked as I got a text.

            Irene’s at home with me.  She wants to talk to you

            Love Darby

Playing The Bad Boy's Game (Completed July 2012) FIRST BOOK SO IT IS CRAP W A R N I N GWhere stories live. Discover now