Chapter 1: The Fall of Krey

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I gasped when my foot slipped off the side of the pool. My towel loosened and something snapped.

I fell.

I tried to reach for something but my foot stings. It's dragging me down. I tried to stay afloat but my foot made it hard for me. My insides frenzied at the thought of my nudity and drowning at the same time. I choked.

I tried so hard to fight the dominating panic in me but I unknowingly succumbed.

I  did...

But a ragged breathing made me stop from totally drifting off. I was then wrapped by something.

I felt myself being shook and minutes after, something soft pressed against my lip. It was giving me air - like my life depended on it.

My eyes opened immediately. I coughed as I try to breathe in a mouthful of air. I held my chest. 

Shit! I nearly drowned!

I kept holding my chest trying to digest everything that has happened when someone from my rear ruined it for me.

"You okay?"

The hoarseness of his voice reminded me of a familiar feeling. For a second, I'd love to think an angel saved me but I knew better.

I sat up, unbelievably darting my gaze to the man who almost owned all the guts in the world. And I wasn't even wrong.

Dash's lip formed a beguiling smile.

I raised an eyebrow.

"You...okay?" he reiterated which made me leer.

He chuckled. "No thank yous?" he asked and I heave a sigh. 

"Thank you for saving my pathetic little life. I appreciate everything despite the sarcasm. Thank you." I said before checking my super wet towel.

Maybe what I said was super entertaining that's why he was laughing out loud right now.

I attempted to move my foot but I groaned in pain. 

He touched it lightly. "That seems like a serious shit." he said before helping me get up.

I gripped on his arm. "Hey Krey, I don't think you can walk." he stated and I really can't. He sighed before lifting me off the ground. He carried me, bridal style. I didn't say a word. Not a single word.

He looked at me while smirking. "Let's get you out of here." and with that he walked away from the crowd.

I exhaled. I can feel my heart beating fast. So wanted to run out of my chest.

Repercussions and PossibilitiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon