Chapter 8

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Caras POV

I slid down the wall in the bathroom,shaking at the thought of what is wrong with me. It's definitely not normal for someone to cough up blood,stumble over and have heavy nose bleeds.

I pulled out my phone and called the doctors to see if they could give me any advice.

"Hello, welcome to Sydney medical centre. How may I help?" The lady asked.

"Can I talk to a doctor or a nurse please? It's important" I said.

"I am a doctor" She said "What seems to be the problem?" She asked.

"Well...I'm at a wedding service and I stumbled over. I then coughed up lots of blood and began to get a heavey nose bleed" I said down the phone.

"How long have you lived in Sydney?" She asked.

"I don't...I was just visiting some people" I told her.

"The cause of the nose bleed may be the sudden change in atmosphere. You may not be used to the hot weather. The coughing up blood may be a reaction to a drink,have you taken tablets within 20 minutes of drinking?" She said.

"I took some aspirin. I had a small headache" I told her.

"The alcohol and drug may of had a bad reaction to each other. It's nothing to worry about. If it happens pop to your nearest doctors" She said.

"Thanks" I said and hung up.

I stood up and looked in the mirror to look at my reflection. My mascara was running down my face and I had red puffy eyes. I opened my bag and pulled out my foundation and mascara. I wiped of the running mascara then covered that area in foundation,I re-applied my mascara and made sure I looked the same as I did before I ran in here.I took some deep breathes then walked out. Everyone I was sitting with were still there and Luke looked really stressed.

"Hi, sorry I took so long" I laughed lightly.

"I was getting so worried! I nearly ran after you and kicked the door down!" Luke said in a stressed tone.

"Well i'm fine" I said and kissed him.

"Your lips taste weird" He said with a confused look plastered on his face. I licked my lips and the taste of blood was on top of them.

"Probably just my lipstick" I lied.

"You wear the same lipstick all the time, its never tasted like that before" He said and I bit my lip.

"Well champagne and lipstick doesn't exactly mix well" I stuttered.

"Oh...Okay" He said and continued talking to Ben.

It was the next morning and we was leaving to return to LA. Tyler has been moody ever since I told him it was time for us to go back.

I ran down the stairs with my passport in my hand and as I reached the bottom Tyler was walking out and threw his suitcase to the door.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you?" I said grabbing his attention.

"I don't want to go back" He said in a moody tone.

"Neither do I but we have to" I said "Why don't you want to go?" I asked.

"I met a girl" He smiled slightly.

"A girl-Wait...Is that a love bite? Mr.Richards is there something your not telling me?" I raised my eyebrow.

"She's so nice. She's medium height,dark brown hair,blue eyes and has a amazing smile. I told her I don't have much time left here but we promised we'd say in touch but she's so pretty she'll probably be taken by some ther guy by the time we come back here." He sighed.

"Ty,if she's that into you and is genuine then she will remain yours and no others" I said and rubbed his shoulder.

"Right okay. I'm gonna say bye to Jack. I'll meet you in the car" He said and walked away.

I walked into the kitchen in hope to find Liz ,which I did.

"Thank you so much for having us!" I said and hugged her.

"Oh anytime! Your to come here whenever! You and the kids are always welcome!" She smiled.

"What about me?" Luke said walking in and wrapping his arm around me.

"Your including in the kid part" She joked.

"Hilarious" Luke rolled his eyes.

"We best get going. The taxi is here" I said and we walked out to the taxi. In the taxi was the boys and lets just say they looked pretty shocked when they saw me.

"Cara?" They all said in unison with a confused tone.

"I swear if I had a penny for every time someone got confused saying my name, i'd be a millionaire" I rolled my eyes "But yes it is me" I laughed.

"So the date went well?" Michael smirked playfully.

"Well Luke nearly got beat up" I told them and they snickered.

"Yeah she saved me" Luke laughed.

"A girl saved you?" Calum spoke in disbelief.

"Just because i'm a girl doesn't mean I can't scare off four hench men" I spoke.

We spent the rest of the journey, in the car and the plane either talking or sleeping. Tyler and Jayde slept the whole way there. I slept most of the may but with Luke next to me and the fact that he's always moving his arms while he sleeps. He kinda kept slapping me in the face so I didn't get much sleep but he is cute as fuck when he sleeps so I didn't mind that much.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" I said to Luke as we pulled up outside my apartment.

"Just remember,go with Joe and i'll meet you on the red carpet. Okay?" He reminded me. He's going to a award thing tomorrow and so is Joe and Caspar. Luke is going with the lads so i'm going with Joe.

"Yes I know" I huffed. He's reminded me about 60 times.

"Okay, well text me tomorrow" He said and gave me a quick kiss. He then gave Jayde a kiss and a hug then said bye to Tyler.

I ran upto the apartment then knocked on the door.

Idiot me forgot my keys.

The door opened and it revealed Joe.

"I've missed you" I said and pulled him into a hug.

"I've missed you too!" He said back.

We all walked into the apartment and sat down in the sofa.

"So tell me what happened in Australia?" He asked curiously.

"Well..." I dragged out.



Shit ik ik ik ik

i have school tomorrow aka going to hell.

im so bored.

im on a diet

kinda suck


Who's going the vamps 1st may london o2? lemmie know

Who's going 5sos 3rd june leeds first direction arena??? Lemmie know


ig- bxndtxbers

twitter- @b00tymuke


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