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My eyes scanned the near empty restaurant as Luke ordered the food. I'd asked him if he could order it for me as I struggle with ordering in public, as silly as it sounds. There was only a young woman sat with a little girl in the corner. She looked very young and I couldn't decide if she was her sister or her mother. The little girl's giggle rang through the place as the elder put two straws in her mouth, pretending that they were her teeth, she looked like an odd walrus. The small girl's laugh erupted again as she poked the straws in the woman's mouth.

"Having fun?" Luke stood next to me placing the food on the table. I hadn't realised that I had been grinning like a Cheshire cat at the two girls. Luke slid into the seat next to me and gave a light laugh.

"That little girl is so cute." I smiled as I looked back over to them.

"Yeah, I heard her giggling." Luke mumbled as he popped a fry in his mouth. "Here's your money" Luke's hand reached out and placed my money into my palm. After counting it, I found that none of it had been spent.

"Luke, you didn't pay for my food did you?" I looked up at him and he had a small smirk on his lips as he shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe" He replied, popping another chip in his mouth.

"Why? don't waste your money." I sighed and grabbed my bag to put the money away. 

"You're welcome." He said sarcastically. "Plus I wanted to. I am a gentleman, after all." He smiled playfully as he reached into his pocket and pulled his phone out.

"You, a gentleman?" I laughed sarcastically and shoved a couple chips into my mouth. "Good one." I mumbled.

Luke looked amused by my reaction and he placed his phone down on the table. "I am a right gent, when I want to be! you'll see" He smirked and started unwrapping his burger.

I couldn't help my grin as I took a sip of my drink. "Thank you, by the way. For the food". I swatted Luke's arm as he pretended to tip an imaginary top hat my way and mumbled "M'lady".

I made my way through my food and enjoyed the quiet company from Luke beside me. His leg started bouncing under the table, as he took a minute to look around the room. I took it as my chance to take a long look at him. His features gentle and warm, his skin looked sun kissed and his quaffed hair had a single strand falling onto his forehead. 

I always wondered if he was actually comfortable in those skin tight jeans he always wore, because they sure didn't look it. He shifted forward and placed both his elbows on the table, his face turning to meet mine. I felt my cheeks warm as I hoped he didn't notice me staring. 

I could smell his cologne. The same cologne that was woven in his bed sheets. It made me remember the night I stayed over and what Amanda had said to me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as I remembered her words.

"You alright?" He looked up at me, his innocent blue eyes searching into mine.

"yeah, this seats just a bit uncomfortable." I lied. Luke's teeth grazed over his lip bar as he nodded. His phone buzzed next to his elbow and I couldn't help but take a glance. I saw Brooke's name but Luke picked it up before I could see what she wrote. Luke's eyes flick from side to side as he read the message before he heaved a sigh.

"How about you? you alright?" I asked, my eyes watching his lips.

"Yeah, just dandy." He huffed and chucked his phone onto the table.

"It's Brooke, isn't it?" I pushed. 

"Mind your own business" Luke snapped. I gulped quietly and looked down to the table. Another thing I hated; people yelling at me. I bit my lip awkwardly and stared down at the white table. I had no doubt that the woman and the little girl were looking over, wondering what the racket was.

Unwritten || Luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now