I needed to write this down

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You know what,
Sure I'm only 14,
I know I'm just a 'kid'
But I'm afraid.
I'm not afraid of death
But I am afraid of loosing the only people who care about.
I'm afraid of being forgotten after death.
Because why was I born then?
Why am I here?
Does my life matter?
Have I ever mattered?
If I'm not going to be remembered am I really that important?
But right now I'm this moment, I don't want to think about that.
Honestly right now, I just want to love and be loved, to live my life to the best of my ability.
Sure it may not be the best, but sometimes it's the best I can do.
It's what reminds me that I'm human and that I'm alive, because it's those painful moments that really remind us that we're alive.
I just have to keep my chin up,
Take a deep breath
Maybe I'll scream,  maybe I'll cry.
But afterwards I'll feel better, because I have to remember that there are people out there that care for me.
And as always,
'this too shall pass'
I don't know where I got the motivation to write this, just me crying at five am but like, here's fine thoughts?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2020 ⏰

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