Home Sweet Housewarming

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Danny steps out of the shower, his cheeks cherry red with warmth as the steaming air swirls around his new bathroom. Even after a week of being home in his newly renovated apartment, he relishes the ease of having a piping hot water system at his fingertips.

Just as he'd hoped, Danny had come home from Greece to find the renovations finished with barely any signs that it'd been a miniature construction site only a few weeks before. But, given he'd spent months planning for the completion, he'd also had plans in place to swiftly furnish it to his taste when all the work was done. And tonight, he could finally show it all off to Ava and Merida.

"Danny!" Adam calls from kitchen, "Are you done yet?"

The girls would be arriving any minute, and Adam – apparently eager as ever – still needed to shower too. Briefly, Danny wipes the condensation from the mirror as he dries himself, giving his hair a quick tousle with the towel before brushing it, taking a moment to appreciate the residual suntan that lingered over most of his lean body.

"Keep your shirt on, bathroom's all yours!" Danny shouts back, tying the towel around his hips as he walks down the short hallway to the open kitchen and lounge room.

"But that's my point, I don't want to keep my shirt on." Adam jokes as he hands his friend a neat glass of cognac.

"I see you've helped yourself to the booze already." Danny notes with a sardonic grin as he settles onto the large charcoal grey sofa.

"Well, you did say to make myself at home." Adam counters with feigned innocence as he makes his way to the bathroom. "Let me know when they get here!"

"Will do," he assures Adam as he swirls the cognac in its glass.

He hadn't let himself dwell too much on their sexscapades with Philip and Vera since being home, finding it easier to distract himself with the final touches to the apartment rather than address the explorative developments in his sexuality. And while he hadn't spoken to Adam about it, he was equally thankful that his friend hadn't brought it up or changed how he behaved with him. Seemingly, to his relief, Adam had simply accepted it and moved on.

However, admittedly, he hadn't been so keen to avoid it that he hadn't indulged in the occasional reminiscence of the midnight rendezvous he and Philip took together in his cabin each time Adam and Vera preferred to be alone with one another. Just thinking about the slight pressure of Philip's lips upon his skin would immediately send a rush throughout his entire body, or the way his hands could so quickly and expertly take his cock from soft to hard sent his body racing into arousal; even now, as his thoughts linger on the memories, his cock begins to thicken enthusiastically beneath his towel.

Just as Danny considers unwrapping the towel, three polite knocks echo from the front door. With a deep breath and a hefty sip of his cognac, Danny does his best to regain his composure before heading to the door, glass in hand.

"Happy Housewarming!" Merida exclaims excitedly as Danny opens the door, handing him a bottle of wine.

"Thanks!" he replies with a smile, genuinely happy to see them both. "Come in, come in."

After giving him a quick cuddle around his bare waist, Merida rushes past to investigate Danny's apartment.

"As you can see, we're pretty excited about this." Ava explains with a smirk as she wraps her arms around Danny's firm, naked torso affectionately, enjoying the soothing way he returns her hug with equal fondness as best he can with a glass and a bottle of wine in each hand.

"That makes three of us," he agrees wholeheartedly as he motions Ava inside before pushing the door closed with his foot.

"Look who I found!" Merida declares as she dashes out from the hallway hand in hand with a flustered and wet Adam as he stumbles behind her, awkwardly trying to keep the towel around his hips as he does so.

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