3. The dilemma

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Have you ever got stuck between two roads? You’re confused which road to choose. One road promises you abundant happiness and love. And the other road has all your old memories which are quite hard to forget. What will you choose? Hard choice, right? That’s what Aarya was feeling right now, she was stuck in the middle of two roads.

Let me give you some background. Aarya had a boyfriend. It was a long-distance relationship and she was quite happy with him. Though it was long distance, they always stayed in contact through messages, video calls and also met whenever possible. But as the years passed, she felt that spark between them is missing. They do not feel that much connected anymore, they are not even compatible. So, she talked about this feeling with her boyfriend Jay and came to know that he also had same views about their relationship.

Some people might think that it was just a phase. It will pass. But it was not, they were not happy with each other anymore. They tried to protect their relationship by talking and fighting but it all went in vain and eventually they broke up.

It was not at all easy for them. Aarya was overwhelmed with all kind of feelings. She talked about all of this with Yash and her best friend Charmi. She was confused about what to do and how to react in this situation. Yash and Charmi both confronted her and made her realize that it was in her best interest. It was not at all easy to forget about the first person you ever loved but with the support from her friends, she will definitely reach there.

During that period, they were constantly in contact with Aarya, to convince her that everything is going to be okay. Yash made Aarya realize that she is not alone in this and they often talk about it and he always tried to make her happy, so she can get through this phase.

On the other hand, he had mixed feelings about this whole situation. He somewhere thought that he came in between them and it was his fault that they broke up. But she made him realize that it was their own decision and he had nothing to do with it.

One night, they were talking, she was very upset, and he knew that, so he tried being funny and sweet to make her smile. He did everything, yet there was no change in her mood. Worse, she started crying and she told him to leave her in that situation and let it be. But he had made up his mind that he will anyhow make her smile, so he told her to wait for five minutes and after that he sent her a video in which he was dancing over a song named “Coinci-dance.” He was very poor at dancing, but he did it just to make her smile, and it worked like a charm, she was not just smiling but laughing too. And these little things between them had started attracting them to each other.

So, the dilemma ended with Aarya choosing a road which promised abundant love and happiness.


Hey guys I have uploaded video of the coinci-dance song for your reference. Do check it out, it's funny!


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