Hidden Feelings

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Chapter 21

Kaleb POV

It's been a while and I still haven't heard back from Lina. Today after school I'm packing some stuff and going to look for them.
"Hey Kaleb! You still coming to my party right?" Shit I forgot Brice is having a party tonight.
"Sorry man, I'm gonna go look for Lina ."
"So you choose her before me. Dude whatever happened to bros before hoes?"
"Don't call her that!"
"Why? She's just some girl besides what makes this girl any special?" I swear Brice wants to die today.
"Wait don't tell me"
"Maybe cause I've finally found the girl I love! I love her man. And I was stupid to think that this was all a bet. The minute I talked to Lina i was certain that I liked her. The bet was off a long time ago!" Brice looked at me shocked but then his expression soften.
"You really like her?" I nodded.
"Then go after her man. What are you waiting for?"
"That's the thing I don't know where to find her. Or where to start" I muttered in defeat
"Dude, she isn't half way across the world she won't be far from here" Brice did have a point I remember a few months ago I remember her mentioning a place her parents used to go with her. Then it started ringing a bell. She must be there!
"Brice! I think I know where she is! I gotta go. " I hopped in my car and drove. I coming Lina.
Lina's POV
"Rosie? Can you come down here please" few seconds later I hear small footsteps running towards the living room.
"Yes mommy?"
"Honey come here" she came and I pulled her into my lap.
"Rosie did you hear anything last night?" I was praying to God she didn't.
"No I didn't mommy, why?"
"Nothing I just wondering" she nodded in understanding
"Okay go play lunch will be done in 20 minutes. She got off my lap and scurried along towards the room.
After cleaning and making lunch I checked to see if I had a missed call or text. As predicted I did but all from kaleb. I heard the doorbell ring and thought it was odd because the only person that's been here before was Ben. I opened the door and stood there frozen. I can't believe he's here. Kalebs here in front of me!.

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