16. Everyone Deserves a Second Chance

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Hey guys, please continue to vote, it means a lot to me! I know that I took forever to update chapter 15, but I would really appreciate if you still voted for it please!

I would also like to thank anyone who has stuck around this long, I love you all, and every time I see a new view, vote or comment, it really makes my day! :D
This chapter is dedicated to GingersInJumpers for 'Fall (Newt || The Maze Runner) - Sequel to "The Glitch"'. Love this story!


Everyone makes out like your first kiss is supposed to be something special; something amazing. With Newt, it was so much better. His lips are soft, and the fact that he didn't reject me, was even better. I felt the fireworks, the butterflies; all of it.

But another thing is, I'm not even sure this is my first kiss. For all I know, I could have had it before I lost my memories. Here now, with Newt, it feels like a first.

I pull away slowly, not removing my hands from his. I feel a small smile spread across my face as I look up at him. He looks nervous and kind of shy.

"Thank you for believing in me even when everything and everyone we know should tell you not to" I whisper.

"I don't believe anyone is guilty until proven. Just because you have a tattoo that says you're something, doesn't mean it's true. I think everyone deserves a second chance, and this is your's."

I pull back further and drop my hands, "What do you mean that this is my second chance? When did I lose my first?"

"I mean that this is a new chance for you to gain the trust of all the other Gladers. I didn't mean that in a bad way" he reassures me.

I feel my emotions mixed, confused by the true meaning of what he just said. Either over-analyzing or trusting too much will be the death of me. What am I supposed to do?
He seems to sadden because I don't respond; but I don't know how to.

We sit in silence, and when I feel as if he is going to start talking, someone starts tapping on the door frame. My head whips around, to see Minho, leaning against the door frame smirking.
"Am I interrupting something?" He asks, hinting that he knows he was. "You know, if you two are gonna be doing something in here, you could at least have the courtesy to lock the door."

"Shut your bloody hole, Minho!" Newt growls as he stands up to face Minho. Minho puts his hands up in mock surrender, not really helping the situation.

"Newt, he was just -" But I stop half way, realizing that he's not listening.

"I have to go check on Alby. I'll talk to you later" Newt says quietly, leaving the room.

I wish I knew what he was thinking. I wish I knew if he truly felt the same way about me, as I him. I wish that I had all my memories, not just jumbled fragments.

"Hey, Lori, I didn't mean to cause any problems" Minho says taking a step into the room.

"It's fine Minho. I just- I need some time alone right now" I stutter, my throat restricting itself, holding back whatever emotions I am feeling, like a dam does to water. He nods, suggesting that he understands, and slips out the door, clicking it shut behind him.

I slide back and lay down on the bed, slowly pulling the blanket up to my chin. What happened? We were fine, then suddenly, he's walking out the door. I lay there, hoping sleep will find me somehow.

(Lucinda Whyte POV) {omg I'm writing from someone else's pov! Wish me luck!}

I stand in front of Meeting Room number one, straightening my paper white pantsuit looking at my reflection on the door. My name is Lucinda Whyte, I am a crucial member of the team apart of WICKED, who are responsible for the Trials, and creating a cure to the horror that is the Flare.

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