Chapter Fourteen

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(POV: Romulus)

The darkness let up a bit as we made it closer to the base of the Dark Sides. Elden housed a proud smirk on his face. Everything was going to plan. At least, from what I know, it is. Roman still had yet to become strong, leaving mainly Remus in control. And something told me if I wanted to stay on Elden's good side, things would have to stay this way.

Janus met us in the middle, having a seemingly blank expression on his face with a bright yellow hue in his irises. "Well?" Elden's voice boomed.

"He's asleep and getting suspicious. We must act fast!" Janus warned.

The manipulative side nodded, a pleased expression settling on his face.

"So far, you two have done a phenomenal job with what I've asked of you. Sure, we may have had to...raise the stakes a little bit, but it's all for the benefit of the end result. Surely you two both understand?" Elden addressed.

Janus and I both nodded, afraid to do anything else. This left Elden happy as he turned his back and faced the glowing light of the Mind Palace.

"If the plan is to continue, we have to separate Logic and Morality from Thomas. That way, we can easily corrupt him without those two in our path. The question is, how do we go about that?" The manipulative side thought aloud.

"We could attack them!" I suggested.

"Or, you could use your magic to lure them away from him," Janus hissed.

"Both good ideas, but we must do it quickly. Before they realize we might pull something and come with a plan to protect their poor host!" Elden added.

"What about Virgil?" Janus suddenly asked. Both Elden and I stared at him shocked. That was before the manipulative mastermind stormed over to Janus, gripping his chin harshly to look at him.

"Forget about that stupid side! He doesn't matter! Not right now anyway," He pushed Janus' chin away, making him fall to the floor. "We're keeping Virgil in his old room. Then, he'll slip further into an anxiety ridden insanity, making it easier for me to control him." A pause, followed by a low laugh, "We'll make them all slip into insanity!"

I could start to feel Roman fight for control of the fusion. He was starting to recognize what was going on, understanding that his friends were in trouble. I swallowed it down and continued like nothing was wrong. Despite feeling Roman try to break the connection, I held it together, watching Elden continue to mumble words under his breath and pace in concentration.

While he was doing this, I couldn't help but glance over at Janus. He seemed super spaced out and unaware of anything that was happening around him. Almost like he was in a bubble, and he couldn't understand what was going on.

I held this information to myself for a bit while I continued to watch Elden march about.

Elden let out a harsh breath, turning to the both of with a stone cold glare resting in his iris. "I'm going to my room. This plan is happening now! Janus, come with me!" He boomed.

"Yes, Elden," Janus echoed, following him in toe as he left.

Before he got too far, I grabbed his arm, stopping him while Elden continued. His head whipped back to me. Then, I could see it. The one eye that was the usual brown was gone. Instead, it was completely swamped with yellow and seemed to glow ever so slightly. He seemed lost, almost like whatever was going on with him was crowding his mind entirely. Was he even thinking for himself?

"Janus, is everything okay? You're, I guess," I asked. His eyes scaled up and down my face, as if he was trying to recognize me. Does he not know who I am?

"I'm perfectly fine, Romulus. You're just being dramatic, just like always," He hissed with a small laugh.

The shock that flooded me was enough to make me let him go. He stumbled for a second, his feet becoming frozen. That's when we could hear Elden coming back for him.

"Hurry up, Janus! This can't wait any longer!" Elden boomed.

"Yes, Elden," Janus spoke, walking over towards the manipulative side. He smirked, liking that the snake was listening to him. Then, he looked at me. The look in his eyes read disgust, a chill vibrated my spine.

"Romulus, guard the entrance to the Dark Mind Palace. Logic and Morality might come for their friends soon and we can't let that happen!"

"O-Of course, Elden."

The two sides disappeared, leaving me alone in the dark with only my thoughts to keep me company.

I felt a sharp pain in my forehead as Roman began to make his way toward the front. I couldn't let him take control. Not now. I still had to figure out if Elden was really on my side.

"Not now, Roman," I hissed, blocking him behind an invisible wall. "Soon."

Escaped - Sanders SidesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon