"Dude. My parents are right here" I said.

"Did you just call me dude?"

"Sorry bro"

"Oh my god. You're so difficult arent you?"

"Well I am related to them"

He laughed. Then Anna got up and I ran out of the house. I shut the door and we went to his motorcycle. We got on and I put my arms around his stomach.

I decided to not wear a helmet because I am a badass. Jk. I just didnt want Anna catching up to us when I was putting my helmet on.

So I grabbed it with one of my hands and put it on quickly. I waited for Corbyn to stop at a red light and then gave him his helmet. He put it on and then the light turned green while he was putting it on.

The car behind us honked because we werent going. I looked at them.

"THE LIGHTS GREEN! GO!" The lady yelled.


He started going.

"It was a Karen" I whispered. He laughed.

*time skip*

We came to a stop and Corbyn stopped the motorcycle.

I took my helmet off in the middle of the drive and I rested my head on his shoulder. I had my eyes closed because I was tired.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were at the beach.

We got up and Corbyn took his helmet off. His ears were down because of the pressure of the helmet. I started scratching his neck and his ears went up.

His tail started wagging and I giggled. "You're adorable" I said.

He made a noise that told me he liked it.

It sounded like a purr but I knew it wasnt because wolves don't purr.

"Like it?" I asked.

He shook his head yes and dropped his helmet. He put his head in my neck and I continued scratching his neck.

He continued making that noise.

"I love it when you pet me" I chuckled and kissed the side of his head.

He gripped my shirt and I soon stopped scratching his neck.

I then heard low whimpers. I saw that his ears and tail were down.

I started petting him and his ears went up. His tail started wagging and I smiled. I kissed his cheek and we started walking.

I looked down and scratched my arm. I looked up and my eyes widened.

I saw rose petals in a shape of a heart and like 2 or 3 fake candles on the outside of it.

I smiled at him and we walked over and sat down.

We started talking.

*time skip*

It was time for him to take me home now. I'm sad because I didn't want this night to end but I'm happy that I got to spend about 2 hours with my favorite person.

It was cold in the middle of our little 'date' so he gave me his hoodie.

We got up and I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. I looked at Corbyn.

I walked closer to him.

"Daniel. I've known you for a few months now and I'm very happy I came here"

I was confused.

"And I know that we had our ups and downs. But during our tough times. We would always come right back to each other and it would be happy"

"And.... I know you wanted it to be romantic so I tried my hardest"

My eyes widened.

"Daniel..... I......

Hehehe. Cliffhanger. What do you guys think Corbyns going to say? Why do you guys think he's going to do? How do you guys think Daniel's going to react?


A Wolf In An All Vampire School [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now