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They went to the kitchen after a few direction-lost. Couldn't blame them though. Kim banged the doors open to see a middle aged women standing next to the oven, waiting for something to be baked.
"Umm... Hello Miss...?" Marinette awkwardly said
"Miss Powell" she said and looked at them coldly "What do you kids need? Dinner is slmost ready"

The kids were surprised. The didn't think that Miss Powell, whose name sounded so calm and kind, could turn out to be a sarcastic woman

"We need your help" Adrien said, obviously didn't find her scary. Yeah... she's just like... his father

"And how am I suppose to help you?" She looked at the kids with something nearly disgust in her eyes
"Do you know about some strange things that happened in the hotel?" Marinette asked. Yup. She headed straight to the point
Seemed that Miss Powell had flinched. But she quickly composed herself and said

"There's certainly nothing strange about this beautiful five stars hotel. I assume that you kids were fed with false rumors when you came here"

"Dud... I mean Miss! Two of us went missing! We have to know what happened to find them!" Nino said
"And what made you think knowing some false rumors will help you find them? Those dumb kids might be lost of something. Search for them before coming here and bother me with those annoying questions about a myth!" Miss Powell said, clearly had lost her calm

"I think we can call the police!" Alya said
"Hopefully they'll success in finding your friends!" Miss Powell said, didn't even flinch
The kids were left puzzled. Seemed like she really didn't know a thing. They almost decided to go out and call the cops when Alya said with her teasing voice
"What about making it a big title on the front page of the news papers?" She smirked
To their surprised, Miss Powell smirked too.
"You mustn't lie little lady. And I'm afraid that people don't read newspaper these days" Miss Powell turned her smirk in to a mischievous smile
"I'm already filming. Just for your imformation" Nino shrugged. He was really filming her when she didn't pay attention
"This news can make it way to BBC!" Alya "innocently" commented "I wonder what they would think about this"

"Stop" Miss Powell shortly said "I'll tell you what you want to know. With one condition" she looked at Nino
He understood what she want.
"I'll delete it when the job's done"
"And we won't tell anyone" Mylene assured her
Somehow her eyes looked softer when she looked at Mylene.
"Just don't make the reputation of the hotel become worse" she said
"It's worst actually" Alix said boldly
The girls glamce at her with scary eyes
"Promise the you'll keep this a secret" Miss Powell firmly said

"Yes, we promise" the kids nodded and looked at her with interesting writen all over their faces, some even felt happy like a child when it's bedtime story
They sat down on the ground, around Miss Powell. She began:

"It was about three years ago.This hotel is one of the most famous hotel in London"

"Yeah I heard that" Nino said

"Nino!" Alya whisper made Nino became quiet

"A young customer, about your age I think, suddenly disappeared."
"Just like our friends!" Kim exclaimed and received a slap in his arm by, surprisingly, Chloe
"She was beautiful and kind. She once told me that she loved to write. She wrote many stories, horror stories, about ghost and monsters and strange things, but no company or author really wanted to work with her. Poor Milisa. She's realy talented. But I don't know what happen to her after that night" she looked at them
"Just tell us what you know" Marinette said
"She was really sad. I asked her what's wrong, she didn't tell me anything. Milisa cried and ran to her room. After that, no one had ever seen her again, the customers stared to disappear one by one. And that's when the annoying rumors started. They accused us for letting the incident happen. As if we really did!" Her voice became furious "They made up another story and... you know what came after that. The guy who wrote that article disappeared, then reappeared in the form of a dead body. The accused us again for killing him. But they didn't have proves of course"

"Why didn't anyone call the police?" Max asked

"They were too afraid of the former owner. He was London's Hawkmoth"
The kids let their mouths hang open. Impossible!
"We thought that Milisa had akumatized" she continued "But it has been three years. No sign of her. No sign of an akumatized person. London became clear. But the girl, she never cane back" Miss Powell ended her story with a trembling voice
The student comforted her. When she finally felt better, she wished them luck in finding their friends and reminded them diner would be ready in 5 minutes

"So, there's another Hawkmoth?" Alya asked "Interesting"
"No, not another" Adrien amd Marinette said in unison, made both of them blush and comfused.
After an "ehem" Marinette started to reason out
"Remember, the Hawkmoth we know turned up in the beginning of the school. This Hawkmoth is years ago. They're not necessary to be the same one"
"Do you think that the Hawkmoth we know... killed him?" Alya whispered. Seemed like the girl was afraid of what she said herself

"There's not such thing, don't be scared" Nino hugged her and she hugged him back
"We'll find out about it, okay?" Marinette caressed her checks
On the way to the dinning room, Marinette (purposely) exclaimed
"Guys I forget my purse somewhere. I should go and get it" She probably hide it away
"Let's go girl" Alya grabbed her arm "Clumsy as always"
"Ah, no need to" Marinette smiled shyly "I can go by myself"
"I need to transform to Ladybug!!!!" She thought in her head
"No you can't girl!" Alya said
"No need to worry!" Marinette ran away from them and disappeared at a corner.
"Oh this girl..." Alya sighed
"Should we go after her?" Adrien asked
"Yes we should" Nino answered "Let's go?"
"Just me. You guys stay here" Adrien pushed them in to the dinning room

"Hey, we're her friends too!" They said
"Stay here!" Adrien said, became angry.
Every one was scared when they saw the look on his face. They let him ran away.

"Plagg, claws out!" He quickly transformed in the bath room

As for Marinette, she went downstairs and went to another bathroom

"Tikki, is there really an akumatized person?" Marinette asked

"Yes. I can feel her presence!" Tikki said
"It's strange that I could feel it too. But I shrugged it off and this mess happened!!!"
"It's not your fault Marinette" Tikki hugged her "I didn't tell you in the beginning either"
Marinette chuckled softly and said
"I have a plan.Tikki, spots on!"

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