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It's morning with the sun shinning brightly again (despite the fact that it was 5 am)

"I woke up so early today!" Marinette said to herself with a surprising voice

Alya was still sleeping so Mari quietly got up and did her morning routine.

The girl felt the urge to enjoy the early sunlight in the garden so she quietly got to the place.

"This place is so romantic" Marinette whispered

"You are so early today Marinette" Tikki giggled

"I can't sleep after what happened last night..." she hadn't finished her sentence when she heard someone was coming
"Hide tikki!" She pushed the small kwami in to her bag

That someone touched Marinette arm and greeted her

"Good morning!" That was Adrien cheerful "You are so early today!"

"And you're so handsome... I mean, you're so dreamy... No I mean... yeah I'm early"

Adrien laughed and Marinette started to laughed shyly

They both saw an old man standing behind them

"Good morning Mr. Marshall!" They both said, a bit surprised by the man

"Good morning, kids" he greeted them

"Mr. Marshall, can I ask you something?"

"Yes" he said

"Did something happen in this hotel?"

"Hmm... no" He thought for a long moment before answering "Why did you ask?"

"Nothing sir" Adrien said
The man looked at them as if he knew they were hiding something. The kids knew he was hiding something too. But they all kept quiet.

Tikki and plagg were hiding inside the bushes

"Hey sugar cube" Plagg greeted

"I told you not to call me sugarcube! Do you want me to call you stinky sock?"

"It's my pleasure sugar cube. You can call me camembert if you want to"

"Stop Plagg, it's disgusting. There's something more important. Someone is akumatized. I can feel it"
"All I can feel is my love for camembert!" Plagg said as he took a big bite one his cheese

"Stop eating! This is an emergency!"

"This is soo delicious mmm" Seemed like Plagg didn't even listen to the poor Kwami of Lady bug

"Let's hide, Plagg! Someone will see us!!!"

Tikki pulled the stinky Kwami away before anyone can smell him

Marinette and Adrien was sitting on a bench near the bush where the Kwami were hiding.

"So, you believed Lila too?" Marinette asked. What a blessing that when she was into something serious, she wouldn't stutter.

"Yes. Because I saw that creepy something myself" Adrien answered

"Huh?" she flinched at his words "What did you see?"

"When I  was returning to my room from Lila's, I saw our room's door was open. But I was sure that Nino had closed it before we went out.  When I entered, I saw a shadow jumping out from the window. I've checked everywhere near the window but there was nothing. But the strangest thing is the fact that the window wan't even open" he told her in his worried voice

Mari told him her incident.
"You could be in danger! Why did you come after it?" Adrien asked, almost nagging her
"I wasn't thinking, I guess" she said. She can't tell him that she wasn't worried because she was Lady bug!
Adrien shook his head in disbelief
They decided it would be best to tell Nino and Alya and discuss more with them.

After some time, the rest of them finally woke up. They had a wonderful breakfast in a fancy dinning room

"Girl, this meal taste like heaven!" Alya exclaimed "I'm full!"

"Me too!" Marinette added

"Me three", "Me four" Nino and Adrien jokingly added

They all had a good laughed before Alya asked

"You guys have something to tell us right? What is it?"

"It's about last night. Many strange things happened" Marinette answered. She looked worried again

Marinette and Adrien told them what they had experienced. Alya also showed them what happened to the picture she took outside the hotel

"Firstly, creepy. Secondly, this is gonna be on my blog" Alya commented.
"It's serious Alya!" Marinette said

"A ghost maybe?" Nino asked, the guy looked so excited

"I don't think so. I think it could be someone was playing with us" Marinette answered

"I agree" Adrien placed a hand on Marinette shoulder, which made her blushed hardly

"Should we tell this to the rest of the class?" Nino asked

"It's not the right time yet. You know that they wouldn't believe. We don't have any proves!" Alya said
"Your picture is a proof!" Adrien pointed out
"It's too late. They'll think it was edited" Marinette said sternly

"We can ask Mr. Marshall about it" Nino suggested

"We already did but he said he didn't know anything" Adrien answered
"He is hiding something from us for sure!" Alya said "Nino and me will investigate this. But first, let's enjoy this wonderful palace while we still can. Just act like you're really enjoying so Mr. Marshall would be caught off guard. That's when we can take informations from him"
"I didn't know you're a genus" Nino jokingly said

"A future reporter always knows what to do" Alya bowed as if she had done performing on a big stage

"So I guess we'll 'act' a bit before hitting off the plan" Nino said as the boys stood up
"Bye girls!" Nino said
"Bye!" Adrien waved his hand

"Bye Adrien..." Marinette replied with her dreamy voice
"Oh this hopeless girl" Alya just shook her head in disbelief

The girls spent their morning checking every corner of the hotel, found out a bunch of things they didn't know existed,  still, nothing strange could be seen, except a cold laugh that they assumed to be Max's new horror film.
Little did they know, Lila had gone missing. And the cold laugh wasn't from Max's or anyone's film.

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