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It was midnight when everyone was sleeping soundly. Lila had a bad dream. In her dream, everyone was being chased, her heart was pounding fast. Chasing them? Who? Her memories of the dream became blurry as she shot up from her bed. The poor girl glanced to the window, out to the pitch black night, waiting for her heartbeat to slow down.

The room suddenly felt hot and stuffy even though the window is open and the curtains were flying due to the wind. What a ghostly scene, she thought.  Alix was soundly asleep next to Lila. The girl was even snoring softly.
Lila glanced at the clock. It was nearly three in the morning. Even though she was widely awaken, the nightmare still haunted her. The girl felt a little bit uncomfortable in her chest, she was nearly frightened as if she were still being chased by that thing.
As she lay back down on the bed, something caught her eyes.
Someone was standing behind the window. That creepy someone was staring at them.  She rubbed her eye and looked again but there was no one. 
The horrible feelings in her chest made her screamed

Alex and the others were awaken. They sleepily looked around to see what happened.
They rushed to Lila's room with worried faces
"Why are shouting in the middle of the night?" Alix sounded worried, but still, she was sleepy

"Are you okay, Lila?" Rose asked, she sounded like she had almost cried

"There's something..." Lila sobbed and pointed at the window

Adrien looked at the window but there was nothing

"Lila. It's not funny to wake up everyone in the middle of the night" he said in a disappointed tone

"What do you mean, Adrien? I was really scared!" Lila sobbed

"We know you are lying" Marinette said. Actually, she was too sleepy to consider things that Lila said. 

"Please!" Lila begged "Trust me , you guys! I would never do something like this if it's not important!"

"Whatever little lier. You've ruined my beauty sleep" Chloe said in her annoyed tone "Lets go Sabrina"

"Tell us what happen" Rose was still worried

Lila told them her dream and what she saw. After hearing her story, they were frightened

"I can tell that she's not lying guys" Alya said in a serious tone

Everyone nodded, still in shock of what happened

"Maybe it's because you're too tired?" Alix tried to light up the mood

When they were talking, Marinette saw a shadow. She followed it without thinking.  "Marinette, where are you going?" Tikki whispered in horrified

"Quiet Tikki! I saw a shadow!"

As soon as she spoke the word "shadow", it vanished into thin air.

"Huh?" Marinette was caught off guard by the strange disappearance
"Let's go Marinette! There's nothing" Tikki whispered

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Tikki" Marinette stared at the hall for the last time. She wasn't sure if Tikki was right.

When she got back to the room, Alya was standing in front of the mirror with her eyes closed
"What are you doing?" Mari asked

"I wanted to see how I look like when I'm asleep" she answered and opened her eyes
Marinette laughed. She thought something strange was gonna happen again

"Anyway, where have you gone girl?" Alya asked "Everyone was so freak out"

Marinette hesitated before answering "I just went to the toilet" she add a worried chuckle
"Girl you need to sleep" Alya pushed herself and her BFF to the bed.

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