Another man had pale skin, turquoise eyes, and red-orange hair that was in a messy high ponytail.

He wore this.

Another man had olive skin, gray eyes, and black hair with gold-dyed ends that was in a sharp quiff

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Another man had olive skin, gray eyes, and black hair with gold-dyed ends that was in a sharp quiff.

He wore this.

Another man had pale skin with freckles around his nose, gray eyes, and black hair with gold-dyed ends that covered most of his forehead

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Another man had pale skin with freckles around his nose, gray eyes, and black hair with gold-dyed ends that covered most of his forehead.

He wore this.

Another man had brown skin, olive green eyes, and curly black hair

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Another man had brown skin, olive green eyes, and curly black hair.

He wore this.

He wore this

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The Miraculous Cast ReactDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora