I could see smiles slowly appearing on their faces. The children were jumping up and down with excitement.

" Thank you Forth! We are glad to have you as a member of our pack!" I heard someone say.

There was a chorus of "Yes"s and another round of applause.

I smiled and gave the mic back to dad. He smiled proudly and pat me on the shoulder.

I went and stood beside pha who was also smiling brightly.

"You did great. I'm so proud of you." He whispered in my ear.

"Lets enjoy ourselves for the rest of the night everyone." He said.

With that they all started talking among themselves.

Dad walked upto me. We got off the stage and joined mom who was standing near the stage.

We looked around the room smiling.

I felt dad trying to reach me throught the packlink so i opened it for him. I also let pha and mom hear the conversation.

"was there any?" He asked.

"Three of them." I said.

"We can't drag them out now. That will cause panic to spread among the other pack members." Mom was anxious.

"After this how about we go down to the dungeon? I can teleport them there since they are in the packlink." I suggested.

"That's a good idea."Pha said.

" Ok. We'll take care of that later for now just enjoy." Dad cut off the link.

"You hungry?" Pha turned to me.

I nodded.

We went to tbe buffet and got some food.

We were eating while looking around when some kids approached me. They looked like they were around 6 years olds.

"P'Forth! P'Forth!" They called me all at once.

I chuckled. I knelt down to match their eye level. "Yes?"

"Thank you for the charm! it's so pretty!" one of the girls said.

"You're welcome. But don't try to walk into danger by yourself even if you have this ok? You should always be careful." I said gently.

"Yeeesss!" They said at the same time.

They all ran to their parents.

"You're already popular." Pha chuckled.

I smiled. I felt so happy. For the first time in my life people were looking at without any contempt or disgust.

We spent the rest of the party getting to know some of the pack memebers. They were all very kind.

They were all really surprised to find out I'm an omega though.

"No way! You look like an alpha!" They said.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their surprised expressions.

By  midnight everyone had already left to go to bed. The ones with children left a little early.

Dad, mom, pha and I headed straight for the dungeon. We went into one of the empty cells.

I concentrated on the packlink and found those three. I immediately dragged them herethrough the link.

They appeared infront of us. They looked really bewildered.

There was a man in his early twenties, a woman in her late twenties and a another man who was in his late thirties.

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