- 𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶. ミ

Start from the beginning

"He is n-" Paul started indignantly, but quickly stopped. Was John in love with him? He tried to think back to the last time they saw each other, when John proposed they run away nearly 3 weeks before. The way his eyes sparkled with such loving affection when they embraced, how excited he was for their future plans as if he had decided on it long ago. The fact that he was even planning their future that far ahead!! His truly panicked, grief-stricken gaze when Paul had been close to dying. How he seemed willing to do anything for him, give him large amounts of money to save his brother when he got sick, ride a horse for the first time even though he was terrified, sneak out and risk his life just by coming to see him... he had bought a beautiful bracelet for him!!! And sometimes he had looked at Paul with such strong emotion, like he was the entire fucking world and that simply nothing else even existed, that it almost made him tear up. Fuck, John's in love with me.

"See, you've finally figured it out now." Ringo had noticed the look on his face and grinned down at him. "Bit of a shock, I know."

"Not really. John is a total fuckin' sap when it comes to Paul. Talkin' about him all the time, like "where's Paul?" and "do you think Paul would like a pet cat or dog when we get married?" it gets so annoying!!" George cackled, speaking in a high-pitched, nasal voice when pretending to be John.

"Hold on a second," Paul started with wide eyes, looking red as a tomato. "Did he actually say that last one?"

"Yeah, one time when we got drunk and you weren't there because you were working on the farm, and you couldn't drink yet because you were still healin' from the stabbing. He was cryin' and cryin' about how he missed you and wanted you there. It was so funny." 

"Oh my god!" Paul buried his head in his hands with a keening noise, feeling hot waves of embarrassment shoot through him. "I'll bloody kill him for being in love with me."

"No you won't! You'll just confess yer own love for him and vow to get married to him in secret and bear his children." Ringo teased.

"No! Shut up. Besides, how the hell can either of us bear children?" Paul huffed, crossing his arms in annoyance. Of course his friends would never let him hear the end of it now he knows John loves him, and he probably loves him back. God, even thinking of that sends a shiver up my spine, Paul thought, stomach exploding with butterflies. In love with a man! And a prince at that. Not something he could have predicted would happen in a million fucking years. 

"I'm sure you'd find a way," George wiggled his bushy brows, flashing his fang-like teeth in a grin, both him and Ringo dissolving into laughter after his little joke.

"C'mon, guys, seriously!" Paul punched them both on the arm with a glare. "I'm serious. I'm going to do it."

They both quieted down, realising the actual magnitude of the situation and they stared at their friends seriously. 

"That's okay, Paul. It's your life. You and John deserve to be happy together, in the end." Ringo's eyes glimmered sadly at the thought of seeing his two best friends leave them, and he pressed his lips tightly together as if trying to keep from crying. 

Suddenly George threw himself at Paul, holding him in a hug so tight that he thought his bones might snap in two. His friend buried his head in his shoulder with a sad noise.

"Don't leave me! I dunno what I'd do without you, Paul," He sounded so distressed that Paul felt his throat close up, choked with sentimental emotions. George and Paul had been friends for as long as they could remember, they had had such similar lives and the doe-eyed boy didn't know what he'd done if he had never met him. He'd certainly have never met Ringo nor John.

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