Search for the Black Organization

Start from the beginning

"That's why you disguised yourself as him. To deceive Ran-chan. And that's why you wanted me to stay at home. You knew i would recognize you. So you deceived me, too." - Kazuha-chan stared at him for a while then she turned away.

Hattori-kun didn't say a word and silence filled the room again.

End of flashback

I sighed and stood up from my bed.

Shinichi..If only you were here now. I would listen to your explanation...even if it would hurt me so much...i wouldn't care. I want to hear your voice..i want to hear you saying sorry and i want to hug you so tightly like the whole world would fall apart if i wouldn't do so.

I wanted to clear my mind so badly. I wanted to forget everything that had happened and just wanted to be with him.

Wait..does this mean that i forgave him? - I thought about it hard.

I sighed. Was i really that insecure?

I finally decided to go downstairs to ask dad for the thousandth time about Shinichi. But i've already known the answer.

"Good morning..otou-san."

"Ran. Good morning." He sat at his desk. He was surrounded by beers but i saw that none of them were opened.
I guess this case gives him a headache, too.

"Otou-san. Did Megure keibu call you? Do we know something about Shinichi?"
He remained silent and i knew that the answer was no. I slowly turned round and sat onto the sofa.

"I'm sure he's alright. He's a tough one. Don't worry about him too much." - He told me.

I wanted to cry again..but i couldn't do it in front of my dad. I decided to go to my room and i got up from the sofa when he said:

"Ran.." - I turned round and looked into his eyes.
I saw guilt in them. I could tell that he was sad because he couldn't save me from the pain. But it wasn't his fault..not even his task.

By being sad i cause pain for everyone around me. They love me and don't want to see me like this. I have to be strong..for them.

"You're right. I shouldn't worry about him..and i promise i won't. I think i will visit mother now. Bye..otou-san." - I saw him smiling at me and i left the agency.

Conan's POV

I was locked inside the same room which i was in when i arrived. It was the fourth day. Vodka came every morning and evening and brought some food.

Actually, it was always a bread with some butter or jam for breakfast and some kind of soup for supper. I didn't eat much..well it wasn't the quality which i knew from Ran.

I was locked inside the same room with Vermouth. There was so much things i wanted to ask from her but it looked like that Ano Kata wasn't on the same idea. He always sent some sleeping pills with Vodka and as a result Vermouth didn't wake up since the last time i saw her..which was when i woke up in this room.

Now i was lying on my bed and was thinking. Somehow i felt like Ran was in danger and i couldn't even sleep properly because of that. I worried so much about her.
I missed her smile and her caring touch.
I wonder how she would react if i had told her the truth about my identity.

I think that she would be upset but she would forgive me.. She's the kindest person

in the world.

It was my daily routine. I got up from bed when Vodka came in with breakfast. After i finished it i checked Vermouth whether she was still alive or not. Fortunately she was always okay... she was just walking on her dream's path without problems. I was a little bit jealous of this because as i said before i couldn't sleep. Then i always sat onto my bed and wondered about my friends..wel mostly about Ran.

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