chapter 1

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    It's been 1 week, 2 days, and 5 hours since Jess left for the airport and I was left feeling empty. The feeling of emptiness grew as the time came for her flight to leave and once she had landed in London. She texted me as soon as she landed and told me she would update me as soon as she got to the house.

     I guess I should probably stop thinking about her leaving if I want to stop feeling sad and empty. I should also stop sitting in my room waiting for her to open her window so we could talk like we used to, but it's just so hard.

     Appart from Jess, I only had a few other friends but, I wasn't as close to them and besides, I haven't been friends with them as long as I have been with Jess. It's not like I'm going to start doing all the things Jess and I did together with them, like sitting on the roof at 1 am eating junk food, or bike down busy streets singing song lyrics at the tops of our lungs. I'm holding back tears just thinking about all the memories we shared together.

    "Wren!" My mother called from downstairs. "Wren, the new neighbors are pulling into their driveway, come say hi."

    I looked out my window and see a U-haul truck and a car following close behind. The car stopped and out came 3 guys, young looking, one looking more or less my age. And out of the truck were two people who I'm assuming are their parents.

     I don't care how nice they are, they're taking my bestfriends house, I hate them already.

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