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3,928,736 likes and 837,928 commentscaption:y/n l/n, a model and jungkook, bts member, have been in each other's comments

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3,928,736 likes and 837,928 comments
y/n l/n, a model and jungkook, bts member, have been in each other's comments. y/n posted a picture yesterday and jimin and jungkook were the first ones to notice her. y/n bestfriend, emma, posted a photo, hoseok and jungkook commented. y/n then posted, which jungkook and taehyung commented on. jungkook posted a photo, y/n, emma, seokjin, namjoon, yoongi have commented. taehyung posted today and jungkook, y/n, namjoon, seokjin, and jimin have all commented. there seems to be some flirting going between y/n and jungkook. are they dating?
tagged: @jungkook_bts, @y/n.l/n

@user837: eh, i mean they just met eachother

@army736: I SHIP

@jungkookismine: no. they aren't dating

@baker.emma: literally - @y/n.l/n

@y/n.l/n: LMAOO. no

@y/nfan837: OMG SHJDSJ

@bts826: smh y/n thinks she's all that
     >@nsksj737: literally she just said no-

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