Chapter 52 ㅡ News

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"Fine. Give me 10 minutes." I groaned and after his little celebration, we hung up.

"No evolution but her stats are stable." Jeno summarized his work as soon as I gave him my attention.

I sucked in my bottom lip as I expected a little something out of the result. A faint sigh escaped my mouth as I mentally comforted myself; at least she's not deteriorating.

"Alright. You're doing good Ms. Hwang, we'll see you later." I nodded with respect and directed myself to the door, waiting for Jeno.

Jeno blinked for a few seconds before bowing to Ms. Hwang.

"Ok, I have something to do right now but I'll be back shortly. When is my next surgery?"

Jeno quickly checked on the ipad and responded, "It's in four hours. We only have consultations in the meantime."

With a nod, I continued, "Why don't you do my next consultation and page me if you need anything? I won't go far from the Hospital."

Jeno's eyes widened with excitement and I couldn't help but feel proud of his evolution. Compared to the scared intern he was in the beginning, he was now excited to be on his own.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"Y-Yes! Of course, you can count on me." He affirmed.

Chuckling, I nodded before leaving his side. As I walked away, curiosity soon kicked in as I was asking myself what would Jimin want.

After only a couple of minutes walking, I was now standing in front of Hobi's cafe and the first thing that threw me off was the "closed" sign sitting on the door.

Checking my watch, I went to the entrance and pulled the door open. "Why is it closed?"

As I pulled my eyes off my wrist, I was suddenly facing all of my friends including my brother and bestfriend.

"You came!" Jimin cheered and ran to my side.

"What.. What is happening here?"

"We have something to tell you." Chaeyoung declared, coming to my other side.

It'd a lie saying I wasn't scared. I let myself being dragged and I was soon sit in front of the others. Taehyung blinked and glanced at his bestfriend,

"Ok now can we know what's happening?"

"Yeah, people gotta work in here." Yoongi added before taking a sip of his free coffee.

"I'd like to know too."

"Chaeyoung, please start." Jin spoke out after Namjoon and my mind was now completely confused after it went from one person to the other.

Chaeyoung nodded as she walked over the other side of the counter.

"Soyeon is lying."

"What do you mean she's lying?" I automatically asked.

"She's not pregnant?" Taehyung followed with Namjoon.

"I told you guys I don't like her." Yoongi shrugged, "I knew we shouldn't trust her."

"You guys listen to Chaeyoung." Jin spoke over our voices and the serious look on his face made me worry.

"No, she is pregnant." She continued before raising her finger in front of her, "But it's not Jungkook's baby."

"Wait—" Taehyung's gasp cut Yoongi's sentence.

I myself was taken aback by the sudden news. Millions of questions began to rush through my head until I settled on one.

"But how do you know for sure?"

"Your dear bestfriend went against the law and asked Jeno to do a paternity test while he checked on her pregnancy." Jin answered for her, "Not only she used her status as a doctor but she also pulled someone down with her."

"It's not that big of a deal hyung—"

"It is! She can lose her job and so does Jeno! She did it without any of the two's consent!" Jin snapped back and turned his attention to his friend, "Yoongi, as a lawyer, what do we do?"

While the whole group began their discussion, I drifted off into my mind again.

She played us. She really did.

Jungkook was all I could think of at this moment. I couldn't even enjoy the news knowing he might still feel miserable somewhere.

"What about Jungkook?! Does he know ?!" I stood up abruptly.

"He doesn't know yet. He's on his way."

"With Soyeon."

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