Chapter 1: The main suspects

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It was a classic 'The Breakfast Club' story.  A rebellious boy, an introverted girl, a princess, and a nerdy boy. But this story was quite different. They were not in detention and they did not like one another. Except from that time they were all friends. Junior year. It is more like an 'I Know What You Did Last Summer' story. Best friends until they all did something bad and went their separate ways. But who knew that the next school year, they would all be reunited. Little did they know that this was about to happen. If they knew, they for sure would not have shown up that night. But who wouldn't?  Would you let your curiosity get the best of you? Well it did for them. And this is what happened.

  Dylan Edwards. An edgy, introverted bad girl. She did not like to talk to anyone. Especially to the other three. She skipped class, talked back to teachers, and had no friends. But that was the way she liked it.

    Last year sucked. If I wanted to go my own way, I had to forget all about it. I didn't know what I was doing. But I knew I had to figure it out if I didn't want to cause any attention to myself. Just do the exact same thing as what I normally do. Ignore everyone and don't do any work. That's the only way to survive Senior year. Even though I don't want to.

    Dylan had long, wavy, brown hair that she dyed to black and red that made her stand out and look more edgy. But she had a secret. Well more than one but this one was different. It's about her appearance. Dylan was never a fan of makeup. She hated it and claimed not to wear it. Dylan would wear a little bit of mascara, but she had freckles. She would cover then up because she hated them and thought they made her look 'cute'. She didn't want people to think she was weak. The only people that knew this was Harley, Brianna, and Carter.

   Harley Hunter. The bad boy. There were many words to describe him and friendly definitely wasn't one of them. He had chestnut brown hair that was curly and on the side of his head. He had deep brown eyes like chocolate and always wore a cheeky smirk. He would get into thousands of fights and people said that he was a total womanizer. I guess that would be one of his secrets. That he wasn't. He would act like it and tell people that he had been with someone the previous night, but the truth was that he had never been with a girl. Not even a kiss. But he had a reputation to maintain. And that reputation would be ruined if people found out the truth.

   Brianna Wilson. The most popular person in the school. She was the head cheerleader dating the school's quarterback and she was a total bit...brat. She always got what she wanted. Her parents were loaded. Her mother was a fashion designer and her father was the principle. Well Vice Principal. Bri (nickname) had big, blue eyes and blonde hair. She didn't really have any other secrets except for the fact that she had brown hair naturally, but her roots weren't that blonde anyway.

  Finally, Carter Brown. The nerd. He had zero friends and was hated and bullied by pretty much the whole school except from Dylan. She didn't bully him because she liked him or felt sorry for him, but it was because she didn't believe in it. She thought it was cruel to bully someone because of something that they can't have. That was the only reason he was bullied. Because he was the smartest in the school and no one else could be smarter. Well except Lewis. His secret was that he worked out a lot. He would go to the gym once every week and train. He would fight, so he could protect himself, but no one knew why. He was very 'dorky' looking. He had black hair just like coal, his eyes were a green-ish  colour, he had freckles and wore these glasses that looked just like Harry Potter's.

  So that's the main characters in our story. Soon to be reunited. Once and for all.

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