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JANUARY 21,2019


Walking into the bedroom, my bedroom, without looking around I walked straight to the bed. The natural satellite of the earth reflected its light through the window; I can unmistakably see her lying in the large double bed. I stalked her with my eyes, her lips curved in a smile. Maybe she is having a fine dream without me. I felt my chest harden a bit, but having me in her dreams is the last thing that I wanted. If truth be told, somehow it twisted me not having me in her dream. Her curvy lines are driving me non-compos mentis. God's appreciable fabrication of the female body is testing my stoicism.

The full spectrum of opportunities is lying ahead of me. Her thick raven hair which touches her waist is spread on the pillow. Her lips were pale pinkish, she had a soothing voice, pitch-black eyes, a Greek nose, thick eyebrows, and her eyelashes were velvety.

All-inclusive, a shapely figure. She turns heads wherever she goes, but not me.

I kept thinking about what I was doing and I don't even know what is going on anymore and how I ended up in this situation.

Marriage! I got married.

It was not unspecified I ever gave many notions even if I knew I would marry Ruby and settle down in the fullness of time, still and all not like this, not with some woman I do not know. Looking back at the smiling face of this chick, I don't even know if I had done the right thing. I felt so stupid. She must be laughing at my stupidity.

After that nightmare, all my thoughts were to destroy her bit by bit. But by some means, I learned to dominate myself by abusing her physically. I've blamed her for every single thing that's gone faulty in my life. After all, she is the one to be blamed, easier than blaming myself or my extended family. It's been ten months, and I don't understand her a bit I don't know what to do with her. I have to hide from her or hide her from the world because I don't want people addressing her as Mrs. Rich.

I undressed and climbed into the bed lying next to her. Am not sure if I can do this. The inner agitation is killing me softly whereas my cleverest, sharp-witted, and unfortunate bride is having her beauty sleep contorting mine.


I awoke from my sleep. My eyes opened slowly as the sun shined in the room. She wasn't there near me. I must have fallen asleep while thinking about her. I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom. After finishing my business, I walked to the closet and dressed well to my liking of Ruby.

I wished it was all a dream. But reality was staring at me while I stared at the picture which was hung on the wall. I wanted to take a moment and admire the picture of her and me. More than admiring us, I am infatuated with her picture. The portrayal of my wife, Mrs. Aurora rich.

I sat at the dining table eyes looking at her and watching her cook. Her waist-length dark hair was sprawled all behind her. It's out-and-out infliction of pain, even though it hurt me, I would willingly go through this torture just to have her in my house. I am a victim here who has been brutally tortured. I don't want to make her feel like she needs to be the one who has to cook or look after me. However, she is assuredly making efforts to satisfy my need for food. Not that I lay the blame on her for her cooking, my feeling of discomfort is not caused by lack of food but the strong craving for her is making me lose my sanity.

She loves to cook. She began to fill the house with smells that have never filled this area before. Slowly shutting the oven door, she sighed. Turning around she saw me sitting at the counter watching her. She is now all set to take her first faltering steps.

My name, I assume is stuck in her throat, unable to erupt from her mouth. She tried to turn, but I took a step. I walked straight to the fridge and took a water bottle and poured a glass of water and extended it to her. She took it from my hand hesitatingly and gulped it in one go. She shivered with anxiety. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. Slowly she took baby steps and moved away from me.

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